2014 HOF Speeches

100 Days – I Finally Kicked The Nic Bitch Ass

100 Days - I Finally Kicked The Nic Bitch Ass

“Get busy living, or, get busy dying”
Most everyone knows this quote, and it fits my philosophy of quitting.

Most if us have talked about how we started chewing, I am no different how quickly I was hooked.

Now I am done, and will not look back.

I look at chewing now at a different level, now that the nic bitch does not control me.
The nic bitch controlled my wallet, when I was at half a can, she would have me buy another. Think about it, I gave my money to someone at a store, then would chew something that was slowly killing me.

If you are reading this and have not started your quit, don’t fear the quit, yes it is hard, but you will feel so much better when you hit 100 days.

For my friends that have just started or in the middle of your quit, please stick with it, even if you fail, try again. The reward after 100 days is amazing.

So, get busy living… Quit nic… Get busy dying, don’t quit

Choose living and your future!

My only wish is I did roll call, for some reason, I never could figure it out.

My group turned out to be the quitters that posted almost each day, jayp,DDD, they had 15-25 days ahead of me, they kept me motivated!
Rick, Steve, Samantha, I plan on staying here until I read your HOF!
Shiva, thank you for your posts, and your commitment to help others.

Thanks to many of my friends who stuck with me,
My friend frank.. He quit 19 years ago
My brother Greg he is at 35 days
My friend mark .. He is trying to quit, I hope soon he will quit

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member jrj403

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5 years ago

Hey Jeff,
I found your HOF speech again and wanted to comment, thanks for coming back and helping me out and helping others. It’s crazy that after 4 years Jayp, Shiva, you and myself came back and recognized each other, just by reading posts in here. Anyway, take care.

5 years ago

Hi JRJ403
It’s been 5 years, but I am back. DDD, I go by Oz1 now. Unfortunately caved in before i could cross the mark with you all. I a back and this time I am done for the last time. I am hoping that you or JayP get back in here and help me out, I am on day 76. Take care.

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