Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Hooch Snuff Rough Cut Review

Hooch Rough CutIt’s great when a product developer listens to its customers.  I’m thrilled to announce that smokeless alternative vendor Hooch Snuff has done just this.  For quite some time now I’ve heard quitters everywhere looking for a long cut version of Hooch.  They’ve delivered.

Hooch Rough Cut is described on the Hooch website like so:

“This is our newest cut. It packs better in the tin and will hold together in the mouth like a long cut. So why not call it a long cut… We think it sounds better and better matches our process.”

I have to say that’s a spot on description of the product.

At this point there are 6 flavors of Hooch Rough Cut available: Mint, Spitfire, Wintergreen, Classic, Cherry and Whiskey.  The flavor profiles are identical to their regular cut counterparts.  You can read my review of those flavors here.

Hooch has done away with their metal tins which I actually think is a good idea.  For me the plastic tins always felt more “natural” (though I wasn’t a Cope guy with their metal lids to compete with).

But back to the rough cuts.  I tend to really “work” my chew when it’s in so one of the problems I’ve always had is with dip falling apart.  I was always a long cut Kodiak guy and would damn near kill myself if I ever had to pop in a fine cut (or God forbid the dust like Cope).  Hooch Rough nearly solves that problem.  I say nearly because it’s not QUITE a “long cut”.  I’d personally prefer a little longer cut, but this is a great step in the right direction toward a long cut product.

I’m also thrilled to report that Hooch didn’t mess with their great flavor profiles with this new offering.  Many times you see new products being introduced that are actually steps back from the original… not he case with Hooch Rough Cut.  They’ve improved what they set out to, and left the rest alone.  Bravo.

As with their regular products, Hooch Rough is VERY close to the real thing.  For some this is a good thing and for others it may be a drawback.  Just know that when you pop in a chew of Hooch it’s going to be VERY close to what you remember… just without the nicotine.

Special thanks to Chet May from Hooch Snuff for providing me samples to try and review.

Hooch Snuff can be found on the web at

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Have you tried Hooch Rough Cut?  Let us know what you think and we’ll add your review to the site!

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David Potter
David Potter
6 years ago

I would like to try a couple cans but don’t want to pay 12:00$ to try have gotten some nasty stuff before.

Carla hines
7 years ago

I ordered some hooch whiskey I only ordered one and I got two I hope I didn’t get charged for two thank u Carla hines

9 years ago

I’ve been off the mint red seal for around 150 days now, and have been trying some alternative herbal chews, and really liked the hooch snuff. Unfortunately the last order I placed with them has been a problem. I ordered 6 cans rough cut mint, 6 cans rough cut peach. After being charged for all 12 cans, I only received the 6 cans of mint, which is even reflected in the included invoice, showing what I was charged, and what cans where shipped. I have been trying to contact the company for over a month now to see what’s going on, and have yet to get a reply from them after several emails, phone calls, and feedback messages left on their website. Are they even still in business?

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thank you very much sir.

Hooch Snuff
9 years ago
Reply to  Jeremy


We apologize for the problem. Can you please send us an email directly at Let us know your full name and order number and we will fix it right away.

We are in the process of fixing our contact page so direct email will work best for now.

Chet May
Chattahoochee Herbal Snuff

9 years ago
Reply to  Hooch Snuff

Email sent, and thanks for getting back with me

9 years ago

I like the flavor and texture of the Classic Rough Cut. Only problem is what appears to be the hard “splinters” off something in it, not just a few, a lot, in every can! They keep sticking in my gums at my toothline, hard to get out, like a nettle. Maybe they put this in to irritate the cheek and gums to make the “burn” more realistic. Whatever, I’ve been off Cope for 134 days using Hooch Classic Rough Cut.

10 years ago

Dipped for years….skoal long cut. I like the flavors of Hooch but I move my dip around a lot and this just falls apart. Very frustrating. I would continue to buy if it held together better. It does not hold together at all. Disappointed. Will go back to Smoky Mountain, but sure glad I got off the tobacco! Sorry, not trying to be negative, just my comments.

10 years ago

Last week i bought 6 cans of rough wintergreen not bad.

11 years ago

I bought the Roughcut in Whiskey and Classic. I have never tried Hooch so I was quite excited. Well. I was a Skoal Longcut Straight only guy for 20 yrs. I opened the Classic first. If I didnt know better I thought I had a wad of Cope. I was never much of a Cope guy but this is spot on. Held together nice had the familiar Cope burn. I think they hit a home run with this.

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