2021 HOF Speeches

100 Days For Aggies94

100 Days

Before I start I want to give a quick shout out to our conductors @Freddi and @sbbeq. Thanks for taking on this role.

I didn’t really think I would make this post. Day 100 was gonna be just another day quit for me. No different than day 1, 12 or 89. But as I told the ‘Birds, something happened that made me realize it wasn’t just another day.

I was fortunate enough to have both my girls drive in and, along with my wife, surprise me in celebrating an early day 100. This made me realize day 100 is different.  It’s a huge accomplishment that not everyone makes it to.

Their recognition of it made me look back at @JeffH4257 and his count down to my day 100. It led me to reading through old HoF posts and @Batdad ‘s “What is the Hall of Fame Train?” post. It made me think back to all the other milestones and I realized I did treat them differently.  Even though it’s ODAAT, these milestones motivated me to stay quit. Just “two more days until 1 month” or “three days until day 60”. Each milestone was motivation.

Another motivation for me has been fear. Fear of disappointing.  Fear of disappointing the vets before me who have held onto their promise to quit. Fear of disappointing the Freebirds who have posted their promise with me these last 100 days. Fear of disappointing my Dad who quit a 35 year smoking addiction 30 years ago. And fear of disappointing my wife and girls who begged me to quit for years and were so excited when I finally did.

But fear of failure has been my biggest motivation.  After 35 years of addiction,  I finally wanted to quit for me and I will not let myself fail.

Thanks to this entire site and what it offers in support and accountability.  Thanks to all the vets who reached out to me early in
my quit,  to those who post roll with the birds and to all the new members.

Finally, thanks to the Freebirds. I’ve not met any of you (yet!), but I am proud to call you my brothers in quit. It’s been quite a journey and I look forward to what the future brings!

Aggies94 (Kyle)

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Aggies94

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4 years ago

Congrats! Stay the course.

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