Comma Club

1,000 Days Free

1000 Days To Escape

A day after 999 and a day before 1,001, here I sit at 1,000 days since my last dose of nicotine. So much has happened since that day: a pandemic, a move, a couple birthdays, a crazy unprecedented winter storm (here in central Texas), a couple of cars, new work location, new church, kids getting older, yadda yadda. Yes a lot happens in a little under 3 years. All that being said, each of those things was experienced WITHOUT nicotine. I like to think back to the times prior to my quit when I was an active user as a milestone of where I am and where I’ve come from. Keep in mind I know the danger of complacency, but I can count on my right hand the number of times I’ve thought about tobacco in the past 6 months. It’s just not in my headspace anymore. Ironically though, LAST NIGHT I had a dream in which I was smoking a couple of cigs. Crazy right? I know that was the devil trying to sneak up on me the night before a monumental milestone. But guess what, when I woke up, I was able to proudly post “1,000” beside my name on the forum and on Discord. 1 freaking thousand. Looking back to day one, I would see guys post in the thousands and it honestly seemed unattainable. But here we are. I stuck to the script (ODAAT) and made it with the power of the Lord and my accountability brethren here at KTC. Shoutout to April 2020 Cobra Kai Quit Dojo!

I wish this was the end. But it’s not, it’s just another milestone. Another battle in which I’ve claimed victory. Tomorrow is the next battle. The war will be over once I’ve breathed my last breath. Until then, I will continue to trust the process and control what I can control.

Praise be to God and Jesus, always, for giving me strength and the power to remain free from the nicodemon.



NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member AwakenedOne

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