12 Years of Freedom From Tobacco For KTC
I can’t believe it, but I totally missed the fact that yesterday on November 20th, 2018, the site turned 12 years old. We celebrated the 12th anniversary of helping people quit chewing tobacco! For a more than a decade now we’ve been quitting together. We post roll daily. We experience freedom from nicotine and tobacco that for some people has been unheard of for decades.
It’s ironic that we’re so close to Thanksgiving. As I sit down to write this post I think back to all that I’ve got to be thankful for. Naturally I’m thankful for my family, friends and my health. I’m also eternally grateful for people that have helped me quit this terrible addiction. These are not my ‘internet friends’ – these are men and women who I talk to, interact with and have met face to face. This is the kind of interaction that you can expect when you become a member of our community.
Speaking of our community and our forums it’s been an ‘interesting’ few months to be sure. Back in July we were forced to migrate to a new platform. Sadly, that platform didn’t meet our needs so in September we moved again to a brand new software. We’ve had new moderators step up and new admins take the reins. Through it all we’ve had a singular vision – to quit chewing tobacco. Through all that we’ve gone through as a community it’s remarkable how smooth it’s been.
Our forum membership continues to grow. Our social media profiles (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) continue their strong growth and engagement. Daily roll call posts continue on the blog and the conversation here on the site reaches thousands of people that have never heard of our forums.
There are a lot of people that look to quit dipping cold turkey over the holidays. This is a great opportunity to get them into the KillTheCan.org family and set them up for huge success moving forward in their quit and into the new year. Cheers!