3 Million Forum Posts – The Best Support System Available
On December 5, 2014 the KillTheCan.org support forums hit a huge milestone – 3 MILLION posts! I think it’s fair to say that the forums have grown beyond any of our wildest dreams in the past 8 years since they were formed.
I honestly can’t tell you how happy this makes me. There are quite literally thousands of people (coming up on 22,000 any day in fact) that are battling this addiction on a daily basis. The continued growth of that community is proof that if you’re looking to quit dipping or using any nicotine products… you are NOT alone in that fight.
We strive to be the biggest and best source of information available for those looking to quit dipping. The more members we have, the more folks we’ve got who KNOW WHAT THEY’RE TALKING ABOUT when it comes to using and more importantly quitting these products. We used smokeless tobacco. We are addicted to smokeless tobacco. And we’ve successfully QUIT smokeless tobacco.
In addition to our forums, we’ve got several other outlets available to the potential quitters out there:
- Main Site – www.killthecan.org
Chock full of information about quitting, cancer pictures, Hall of Fame speeches, success stories and pictures of Hall of Fame coins making their way around the world. - KTC Blog – blog.killthecan.org
My ramblings, site announcements and more quit information. With the downtime issues we had to deal with on the forums, we’ve also started a daily roll call here on the blog. I’m thrilled to say that it’s REALLY taken off and we’re reaching more people than ever! - Live Chat – Discord Support Forum
Instant help at your fingertips. Dealing with a crave? Jump into chat and the hooligans in there will talk you off the ledge. - Quitter Blog – www.quit4today.com
Do you want to blog about your quit? Quit4Today is a blog for quitters written by quitters. All you have to do is ask for credentials and we’ll set you up! - Social Media – Facebook | Instagram | Twitter X | Bluesky | TikTok | YouTube | Rumble
The tools are there. They’re free and they’re waiting for you. We’ll never tell you it’s easy, but we’ll show you the way.
What are you waiting for? It’s Time To Be A Quitter!
That is awesome and encouraging news! Job well done Gentlemen.
I used the numbers you guys are presenting to do a few rough calculations.
You say that you have 21888 members.
If each member uses on average a Can a day, and on average to use a solid number let’s say that each can is 5 bucks (Cheap).
21888 x $5 = $109,440 bucks per day
$109,440 x 7 days = $766,080 per week
$766,080 x 4 = a Whopping $3,064,320 per month.
Over 3 Million dollars a month that all these combined tobacco companies are missing.
Of course we are assuming that all of us ex-dippers would complete a month of being quit and not all users buy from one company, but overall the entire tobacco industry loses about 10 Million dollars if we all complete the first 100 days.
Today I complete day 416
My contribution to the deficit of their companies is: $2,080
How about yours?