9 Years Quitting Dip For KillTheCan.org
Today, (November 20th, 2015) KillTheCan.org celebrates the 9th anniversary of helping people break the bonds of their tobacco addiction! Last month, we surpassed the 25,000 registered member mark and we’re well on the way to 26,000. We’ve got over 3.6 million posts on our forums and our social media profiles (Facebook and Twitter) continue their strong growth and engagement. We started daily roll call posts here on the blog just over a year ago as well. However you want to get involved… there’s a ton of quit support available to you.
As we do every year, we’ve created a one-day-only, site wide roll call today to help commemorate the day this whole thing started. On last year’s November 20th roll call, we logged some truly remarkable numbers:
140,544 days of quit which equates to over 385 YEARS of freedom!!!
There are a lot of people that look to quit dipping cold turkey over the holidays. This is a great opportunity to get them into the KillTheCan.org family and set them up for huge success moving forward in their quit and into the new year.
So please stop by and post roll today to help us celebrate. Here’s to you quitters!
Happy 9 year anniversary all of you incredible quitters out there!!!!