HOF Speech – Back Again For Good
Well I don’t know what to say, other then I would have never made it this far by myself. I owe a HUGE thanks to the ones that yelled at me over the past 100 days to get my head out of my ass and post roll, Thank you. Next if it wasn’t for KTC none of us would have found each other and get the support that all of us needed Thank you KTC.
Well it all started back in 2009 when I was 9 years old I started smoking. I smoked for a good 4 years with my cousins I got into a lot more trouble through those years to. But when I finally got caught from my pa for the 100th time I decided to switch to chew. So now I’m 13 switched from smoking to chew because it was easier to get it from my dads can on the table at night then sneaking around and finding an 18 year old that will buy for a 13 year old. (Really hard to find) Now I chewed for a good 6 years and I decided to quit well I thought, I joined this site back in November of 2014 and went good for about 3 or 4 days and then I failed everyone in my group. I didn’t show up again till November 3, 2015. This time I knew I was done because if I didn’t quit this time I don’t think I would have came back because they really ripped me a new one when they found out I caved. (Thanks guys) But I needed it I then realized that people do care a lot on my decision to quit that I took for grant last time. Now I made good friend and people I can always come to and ask for guidance and support. Now I have been nic free for 112 days and I’m in it for the long hall so I am promising that I will make it to 200 now I will even be there for 1000 days and that is my word. Thank you all for the support I needed. Stay Quit!!
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Mitch Betz