Here Goes My Lame HOF Speech, Just Like My Username (LOL)
My first dip was when I was about 15 or 16 in a hockey dressing room. Fully hooked by 18 and tried quitting off and on over the last 20 yrs or so.
My quit started out I think the same as the rest of my futile quit attempts…half expected to cave after 1 or 2 hrs. I went to hypnotherapist on the morning of May 30th, and found KTC later that afternoon. Over the afternoon and evening, I read and read and read and I figure that is when my quit changed. The decision was made and I really wanted to quit this time.
What was the difference this time?
Well first off all the terrible cancer stories…that was my initial motivation. But I think it was more the realization that lots of people successfully quit using KTC and it is actually possible for me to quit. If everyone on this site can quit, why can’t I? After this, I think it was just the decision was made and there was no option to cave. None.
And I knew it was going to totally suck balls for a few weeks, but after about day 20, the fog basically went away and cravings have become a lot less. Once the initial 20 days was over, I never wanted to go through that again too. Definitely had some depression starting around day 30ish that I am dealing with a counsellor on. Some days I don’t even think about dipping except for when I post roll.
Seems like it is getting easier, but I still get the urge from time to time, especially when I see my co-worker in the next office over with a big dip in. Been harping on him to check this site out. Will see.
Out of my high school crew that started dipping (6 of us basically), there is still 2 guys that dip. Have spread the word about KTC to them too. Will see.
Can’t force the quit, just gotta educate, which brings me to my last point and as quitters, I believe we should really educate “our stupid younger selves” on how hard nic is too quit and just don’t fucken start. Gotta a couple of teen hockey teams going to go and skate with and coach part time….will defiantly have the “don’t be an idiot” talk and give my story about dip.
Anyways, I didn’t need to reach out to quit, but the posting roll everyday was great. Thxs everyone.
NOTE: This piece written by forum member Jrussell