News & Announcements

Forum Changes On The Horizon – Tapatalk

Change Ahead KTCWithout going into too many technical details we wanted to let you know that there will be some changes to our forums in the near future. This post will be updated as further information is available.

What’s Being Done

Our forums are hosted by a company called Zetaboards. We have hosted with this company since the forum’s inception in November of 2006. Through the years Zeta has served our community well. In July 2017, Zetaboards was acquired by Tapatalk which owns an application that is primarily designed to provide improved forum access for mobile platforms over access provided by the forum software itself.

On July 1st, 2018 we were made aware via a Facebook message that Tapatalk has opted to end ZetaBoards as we know it and convert all boards to Tapatalk.

What Will Be Changing?

All user information (username, password, email, signatures, etc.) will NOT be affected.

All posts, forums, subforums and PMs will be converted, though things may look a bit weird. We’re working with Tapatalk to ensure everything transfers seamlessly but things may look a little wonky for a while. If you run into any issues feel free to reach out to a mod or an admin. In addition, we’ll open a subforum for these questions as well.

When Is This Happening?

Plans are to start the production migration for everyone within next few weeks but it may take longer than that. As soon as we have more specifics we’ll share them.

For our part, we want to make sure that people still have a place to post roll on a daily basis and give their promise to their fellow KTC brothers and sisters for that added accountability that makes our site so successful. If, for any reason, you are unable to post roll in your group, feel free to use the daily roll call posts on the blog ( to post roll by leaving a comment with your forum name, days and quit group.

The mods and admins have reviewed a test version of our new board and believe that after a period of adjustment this is going to truly be a great thing. One of the major enhancements we’ve been asked about for YEARS now is mobile experience and this migration will do just that.

Thanks for your patience and stay tuned.

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Terry Mills
6 years ago

Good, needs an update badly for mobile devices !!

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