Quitter Tag

Final Stop For The Original Quitter TAG Coin

Back in July of 2020, Big Brother Jack came to us with an announcement of a new ‘game’ to grace the KTC landscape: Quitter Tag (check out this video if you’re not familiar with the concept). Long story short, there’s a KTC coin that is passed from quitter to quitter as have been chronicled here on the site. The last entry into this a saga was when cbird got the coin and it was a waiting game… until today.

Sadly we announced the passing of forum co-founder LDiddy. I’m a big believer in ‘everything happens for a reason’ and as luck would have it the coin had landed in the hands of FISHFLORIDA who lives near LDiddy. I’ll let FISH tell the story from here:

Yesterday, April 7th, 2021, I went to the services of Larry “LDiddy” Beck in Pembroke Pines, Florida.  The place was standing room only, if that is any indication of his character.  CBird had given Fllipout a “Tag! You’re it” KTC coin that was started with Chick and had made its way around quite a few hands and ended up in mine.  As fate would have it, it was in my possession during the passing of Larry.  At his service, I met and spoke briefly with his wife, who, was nothing but class.  She very happy that KTC was represented at the service and went on about how much Larry did for KTC and his feelings for it.  I asked her if I could let the KTC coin I had be in put in Larry’s front pocket so he could be the final “Tag” for eternity.  She thought it was a great idea and allowed me to place it with him.

So let it be known that a KTC coin engraved with “Tag! You’re it!” will forever be held by one of this site’s first and greatest Quitters.  RIP Larry “LDiddy” Beck.  You will be missed.

Ldiddy TAG Coin - 4.7.2021

Quitter TAG will continue (with a new coin being made) but I find it very fitting that one of the OG quitters at KTC has the OG coin. Rest in Peace Larry.

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Natasha Beck-King
Natasha Beck-King
3 years ago

Thank you so much for honoring my daddy in this way. I love that you chose to take a picture of the coin in front of the picture of him and us girls. He quit in part because of his love for his daughters. He always went on about KTC and I was so proud of him quitting. I will never forget how much he benefited from this group.

Jeffrey Bernhard
Jeffrey Bernhard
3 years ago

This is amazing

3 years ago

I agree. Brings a tear or two to my eyes.

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