Rcneedham 100 Days and Counting – HOF Speech
It seems like everyone starts this by remembering their first chew. I really don’t remember. I think that my new wife in 1990 wanted me to quit smoking and that is hard to do on a strict ninja basis. I think it started that way where I would have my carpool pal Kodiak with me on the way to and from work. I used to root for some good Los Angeles traffic so we could spend more time together.
I cannot believe I am here. The same feeling I had when I graduated from college or landed a great job; only this is much bigger. The reason is I always expected to do those other things but I came to accept that quitting dipping was not possible. Every failure cemented my belief that I would die from it. And then, just like almost everyone here, I started poking around for a solution and found KTC and all of my supporters. I found out my ninja dipping was not some freakish anomaly but pretty common. It was like being 14 again and realizing others were going through the same things you are. I found out it is possible to quit.
Quitting has changed me in so many ways. It is amazing how much better I am at my job and my family now that I do not have to plan my secret vice all the time. I would go on and on about my awesome ninja strategies but you probably know them too and it is ridiculous.
How about the money? I figure my savings so far is coming up on $1000. That is hard savings on cans but does not include extra dental work and gas to drive somewhere I did not need to go.
I really owe the bad ass August quitters for pushing the roll call. I took a trip where I could not get online and when I got back I thought I had this thing beat. And then out of nowhere a craving came. Unbelievable! I beat it but it sent me looking to the bad asses to see if I could get back in. They did not turn me away and it became important to me to post. I realized that I have the tools to push back any crave but I am an addict and cannot let my guard down at all. No tailgating cigar or any nicotine at all. I am quit for life and no other personal accomplishment is more important to me. Never ever again!
Thank you bad ass August quitters!
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Rcneedham