Jbob’s HOF Statement
Thanks for all the quitters that reached out to me early on and made this quit possible. Thanks for leading me to the kool aid and roll call!
I’ve smoked cigs or dipped since I was 14 or 15 years old. Dipped a can a day since 1995. Quit a 100 times in there but could never stay quit. Littered the highways with near full cans!
A dip’n bud turned me on to this site over a year ago but I wasn’t ready. I can put up with anything as long as I got a face full of dip ! But my mouth was raw and I was worried about cancer. Didn’t figure I could stay quit anyway so why bother.
June 8, I had a fake can of dip and I was ready, and I quit – and went into a deep fog almost immediately – sweet 2much2liv4 helped me figure out how to post roll on day 2 or 3 of my quit – and many others reached out to me. The fog was so thick that the site was a complete mystery to me and I slept whenever I wasn’t at work.
7 days later, June 15, I was as physically sick as I have ever been. On august 1 I was diagnosed with a pulmonary disorder and after a butt load of tests I started treatment on 9/16/13, my 100th nicotine quit day. I am greatly relieved to believe that I may live a few more years.
Now I am going to man up and put some worthy effort into my quit group and the KTC site as well, to make up for and pay back the first 100 days of leaning on all of you. You all kept reaching out to me but I just didn’t have the juice to give anything back.
I don’t have a lot of juice still but I’ve started emailing the people that reached out to me to get digits and to be there for them as well as some new guys. And I’m committed to posting roll for another 100 days with my brother and sister quitters !
I do want to stay quit and I believe having as many phone numbers as possible improves the odds of doing just that. I believe we all have a chance of staying quit if we stick together – lions and hyena prey on the game that stray from the heard – the survivors hang out in the middle of the heard – that’s where I want to be.
Thanks to: 2much2liv4, wmcatty, wt57, dauthman, philly80, mattf, kandalk, trauma, billybill, jrizzle, derk, and to all of September, just to name a few, and to all the veterans that have kept this site working like it does.
I pray that I can give back as much and more as has been given so freely to me!
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member Jbob