Just In the Nic of Time
I had been a chewer in high school. I only did it for about a year and then quit. From then on I had an on and off relationship with nic. From cigs to cigars to vapes. Unfortunately about a year ago my brother introduced me to zen. These things are little white packets that contain pure nic. I got super addicted. After about a month or 2 I was feeling lousy so i thought try and quit but it was too hard. I decided to just go to the real deal and bought my first can of cope. After that I was hooked! Spending all day playing VR poker and dipping. I thought to myself this stuff is harmless. I feel so relaxed and just love the ritual of it. I loved working outdoors on the yard with a big hog in my lip.
Everything was better with chew till… A few months later my energy started to go down. I would get winded doing light exercise. Then the sore came! I developed this sore on my lower lip. With some google searches I was sure it was the C! I was freaking out. The more I searched the more worried I got. I thought for sure all the smoking and drinking and now this turd in my lip was the final nail. Luckily I found this group that talked me off the ledge and how to quit. About a month into my quit the sore faded. I was still feeling anxious and out of sorts.
This shit really gets in your head deep and takes many weeks and months to clear out. The fog brain and depression was unbearable at times but we got a good bunch in here that can let you know its all normal, everyone has their own quit but most people have some hard days. Its been a long ride and I’ve overcome some really hard bouts of anxiety but I’m feeling better and my mouth is looking more and more normal each day I quit. There are such great guys here that have been through way more than me and have come out the other side. I appreciate you all and hope to be a part of it for a lifetime.
NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member stereopath