2024 Hall of Fame Coin Travels

Justin300WSM – Mount Rainier From a Fire Watch Tower!

Kill The Can community member Justin300WSM (September 2023) took in the sights of Mount Rainier from a fire watch tower! He had this to say: “Mt Rainier from a fire watch tower! It was beautiful! Made a trip here to the PNW last year around May 2023 prior to my quit.

Here are just a few differences between being here as a slave to nicotine vs being quit and free: Didn’t have to pack 3 rolls of snuff in my flight carry on. No spit bottles needed on the plane or wondering when I was going to get my next dip constantly instead of enjoying my trip and the small moments of joy. I didn’t have to leave my family behind and go off solo into town to try and find my brand and load up on more waisting my and their vacation time. I went off hiking for the day at Rainier with nothing but water and snacks in my pack. It was awesome! Just focused on the trail and the beautiful surroundings with no thought of nicotine at all other than how thankful I was to be truly free.

This picture I took with my wife, if it would have been last year, I would have had a huge cat turd packed in my left cheek but not this time! I am so thankful for this place and my wife hasn’t said it but I know her and my son are thankful for all you guys and gals as well for helping me stay quit I am loving life being nicotine free and am so very thankful to be quit with everyone here at KTC today. Thank you all for helping me change my life in so many ways and I can’t say thank you enough.”

Justin300WSM – Mount Rainier

Justin300WSM - Mount Rainier From a Fire Watch Tower! - 8.8.2024

Justin300WSM - Mt Rainier - 8.8.2024 2

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