Help Needed

Looking For Urgent Help From Chantix Users

Chantix PackageI know we’ve got some Chantix users in the community.  Please contact me ASAP.  A major news outlet is looking looking to interview users who had adverse cardiovascular side effects while using Chantix. Or someone who has an elevated risk of having an adverse cardiovascular event who is using Chantix, and is now thinking about discontinuing their use of Chantix because of the cardiovascular risks.

They’ re looking for a subject to interview today (Thursday, June 30th) or tomorrow (Friday, July1st) for a story that will run on Tuesday after the holiday weekend.

Thanks in advance!

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business review
business review
13 years ago

Over the weekend a new meta-analysis found that the Chantix smoking-cessation drug was associated with a 72 percent increased risk of serious adverse cardiovascular risks in smokers without a history of heart disease. However increased cardiac risks in patients without a history of cardiovascular disease is not presently included in the labeling..The findings add another layer of trouble for Chantix which has been associated with suicidal behavior and vivid dreams.

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