Your Quit

A Day at the Dentist For a Former Tobacco User

DentistBack when I was a dipper I hated the idea of visiting the dentist.  I’ve always been pretty good about brushing twice a day, flossing when necessary and generally keeping up with my oral health — oh yeah, except for that whole 17 year can a day Kodiak habit.

Prepping For The Dentist

I can remember vividly the days leading up to a trip to the dentist – I’d move my dip around to different spots in my mouth to cut down on the amount of wear and tear on my gums in those areas.  I’d go the ENTIRE morning (a couple of hours) without a dip before my appointment.  I’d be overjoyed when the doc gave me the OK and I’d never once mention that I was still dipping.

On the way out of the dentist’s office I’d open up my can and pop in a fatty.  Did you hear that?  On the WAY OUT OF THE DENTIST’S OFFICE.  How stupid I was.  I’d just received an “all clear” from the dentist so in my mind I was good to go… good to continue chewing.  Stupid, dumb, ignorant.

Today was different.  Today I marched in there, sat down and had no fear.  I’ve been dip free for over 1,000 days.  I know I’m still an addict but I’ll never again fear going to the dentist.  I don’t have to lie.  I don’t have to “prepare” myself for an office visit.  I didn’t realize it when I got dressed this morning, but I happened to put on one of my shirts.  Kind of ironic don’t you think?

For those of you out there who have quit but haven’t gone to the dentist yet — DO IT!  Tell him everything.  Tell him how long you chewed, how much you chewed, etc.  Spill your guts.  He’ll give you a good checkup and you’ll gain peace of mind knowing that you’re in good shape moving into your quit.

For those of you out there who haven’t quit — why?

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3 years ago

The dentist can be MORTIFYING. Keep your head up it scares us all!

9 years ago

Does fake chew still harm your gums? I threw in my first pinch on my third day of being off skoal. Elicit was the specific brand. And it burned like hell! Now I feel like my gums are all soft and stuff…. I don’t want to do this if it’s still going to harm my gums

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thanks for the quick reply chewie!
Yeah that would be great If you could find out. I’ve been doing tons of research just because of how paranoid I am of my oral health now. but haven’t been able to find much. and as far as the pepper… I knew it was there haha

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Thank you very much for finding out for me! I haven’t used Elicit since… but I love the teaza pouches. Especially because I had a big problem with using snus in school. and now I can just pop a teaza! Im on day 9!

9 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Awesome! thanks for all you guys at ktc do! I would never even be on day 9 without it. this is my only form of encouragement I get when it comes to quitting

11 years ago

Yeah, to say I’m terrified about my appt next week, is an understatment….

15 years ago

I made my first appointment in 3 years last week. Great idea wearing my shirt there! I will do that!

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