
A New Year’s Resolution To Quit Dipping

Making a Resolution? Happy New Year

A success rate of 12%. That equates to an 88% failure rate. Those are typical success and failure rates for New Year’s Resolutions. Kind of scary isn’t it? Why set out to do something if the odds are overwhelmingly against you that you’re going to fail? Seems pretty silly to me. That said, every year quitting dipping (and smoking) is very high up on lists of things that people resolve to do. If you’re one of those people who’s considering making a New Year’s Resolution to quit dipping I’m here to tell you that your odds of success can be MUCH higher than that… if you take advantage of what you have at your fingertips.

Part of the reason that quitting dipping is so difficult is because most people around aren’t dippers. They don’t understand what it’s like to quit. They don’t understand how it feels when you’ve walked out of your house without your tin and the panic that sets in. They don’t understand what it’s like to bum a dip off a guy when you KNOW you simply hate his brand. They don’t understand what it’s like to scrape the bottom out of 4 or 5 cans just to get enough for one last dip. (Believe me folks… this happens).

Happy New Year CelebrationWhat if I were to tell you that there was a group available to you with THOUSANDS of members that know exactly what you’re going through. Not only do they understand, but they’re either thinking about going through it themselves or have already been there. Furthermore, what if I were to tell you that becoming a part of this group wouldn’t cost you a dime and would increase your chances of being successful tenfold? That group exists… it’s right here at with the Community and Quit Dipping Support Forums. I won’t tell you it will be easy, but I can promise you that all the bullshit that you go through when you quit is TOTALLY worth the freedom that you will gain.

Making a New Year’s Resolution?

As for making a resolution I’ve got one question… If you’re resolved to quit on January 1st, why not resolve to quit today? Is it going to be any easier on the 1st? Trust me… there is no “good” day to quit. Ever. “Tomorrow” will always look better than “today” especially when it’s a matter of giving up your best friend. I get it. I understand. I’ve been there and I’ve done that. And I’m STILL sitting here telling you to do it today. Get quit folks. It’s NOT impossible.

Now… if you’re one of those folks that needs to set a quit date and stick to it…. So be it. But please please please… STICK TO IT. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone stop by the forums and say “I’m quitting tomorrow” or “‘I’m quitting next week” or “I’m quitting at the end of the semester”.  Invariably, “tomorrow”, “next week” and “the end of the semester” come and go with no quit in sight. If you make a promise to yourself keep it. You’ll be glad  you did.

I’ll leave you with one more thought. I can’t guarantee 100% success if you join our community. What I can guarantee is that your odds of success will go up DRASTICALLY from that 12% if you take the plunge. What have you got to lose? Register for FREE today! 

Happy New Year!

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15 years ago

This is some great stuff, Chewie.

It’s pretty obvious that it’s New Years again. If you lived in a cave and only had TV commercials to gauge the time of the year by, you would be able to tell New Years apart from any other. The number of “our product will make your resolution stick” commercials is through the roof. There’s a pill for your weight, there’s some vapor smoking thing to help folks quit smoking, there’s the magic belt that all you have to do is put it on and it’s going to give you a six pack. The list goes on and on.

So here’s my version of the QSX commercial. Quitting ain’t easy. No one will tell you that there is an easy way to do it. We can’t give you any little pill that is going to undo all of the triggers you’ve built up with your addiction. But what we can do is give you a place surrounded by others that know exactly what you’re going through and be proof that it can be beaten because we are beating it, everyday. If you’re looking for easy, turn on the TV and break out your checkbook. When that doesn’t work, join us at QSX and make your promise to not dip for today. Then do it again tomorrow when that comes around.

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