Words of Wisdom

A Note To John

Dear John LetterI know being a father of 2 children a beautiful daughter and wonderful son and being unemployed for almost 2 years and unable to find work is very stressful and extremely tough on your mind body and soul, but guess what DIP is not the answer. Every time you felt stressed because you didn’t hear back from applications or your day wasn’t going well you put that terrible fucking shit log in your mouth and thought it would help it didn’t. It only made the next stressful situation seem like dip could help it too. It was never the alternative to cigarettes’ u were looking for. It was a different way to ingest hundreds of poisons and chemicals. U think stopping cigarettes because of your asthma and starting dip would make every a-ok but it didn’t.

That’s why you’re sitting here at 6:00 feeling the need to cry and waiting for your daughter to get up so you can get her ready for school. That was your downfall John thinking cigarettes were your enemy when all along it was nicotine. thinking going to dip instead of smoking would keep you healthy….you stopped smoking and didn’t start dipping for 3 months afterwards now you’re trying to quit dip and its a million times harder to quit than cigarettes were You were a fool and got played by the worst enemy possible nicotine.

Man up and keep your word u know you can do it and you know you’re a big enough man…..


NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan Support Forum member John1983

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