Hall of Fame

Once you begin spending any time around this site and the forums, you’ll notice that people refer to the Hall of Fame (or HOF). A person is considered a Hall of Famer once they reach 100 days in their quit. This is not a magic number where you’ll automatically be “healed”, but it’s a HUGE accomplishment that anyone should be proud of reaching.
There are certainly pitfalls along the way to the Hall of Fame, and many people have run into problems well beyond the hall but it is a goal that is achievable.
Once you’ve reached the Hall of Fame, you then have the right to create a Hall of Fame speech. Not every member writes one, but we love to read them. Many member use it as an opportunity to thank their quit brothers, some use it to ramble about quitting, some use it as a therapeutic adventure. Each one is individual and we keep them archived because of their great value not only to the person who wrote it, but also to other quitters and people who have not yet made the decision to quit dip.
Click here to read some Hall of Fame Speeches
Yesterday I reached my 100 days on killing the can it was one of the best things I ever done.
Congratulations Patrick! AMAZING accomplishment!
Congrats. Great accomplishment.
Today is my 100th day tobacco/nicotine free. I was a can and a pinch a day for 17 years. This past December I decided to finally kick the habit for good cold turkey. The very first week was absolute hell, but I made it through. I also found out the very same week that I was going to be having my first child which should have stressed me out more, but It gave me the motivation to keep powering through all the cravings (blessing in disguise). Addiction is a disease, but can be beaten. My overall health seems to have improved, drinking tons of water and regular exercise helped me through the tough times during this first 100 days. One of my biggest regrets in life is taking that first pinch at 14 years old. Keep your heads up and take it one day at a time! We can all do this!
Hey TED congratulations on your child and your 100 days of quitting the Dip, both are lifetime commitments. Hang in there and post your HOF speech it helps us all continue with our lives without tobacco.