Another Day – I Posted Roll and the Rest Is History
100 days ago I stumbled onto this website not knowing what I wanted but knowing what I needed. I had been a slave to Copenhagen for 26 years, since I was 9. Everyone around me told me I need to quit for years but did I listen. No I had to make that decision for myself. I was done. I hated what I had become, an addict. I had never quit before but knew this was it. It was going to get everything I had. Did I know what to expect? Nope. Did I know the hell I was going to go through? Nope. But I had done this to myself. I was the addict.
From the beginning of signing on, the hands of other addicts were pushed my way. Vets went out of their way to make it known what was expected and needed here. I posted roll and the rest is history. I posted roll EDD and tried my hardest to read all that I could. I got digits and the addicts that were strangers became addicts that were friends and brothers. Everyday for the last 100 have been spent either posting or texting, growing this accountability and brotherhood to something I never imagined. These quitters have saved my life. These quitters have become my friends.
For those of you that are new and reading this, drink the KTC koolaid because it works. Post roll EDD and find those friends that will help you save your life. Thank you KTC and all you quitters
NOTE: This piece written by forum member Sir Nopenhagen