Words of Wisdom

Bird’s Top Ten

KillTheCan Top 10Forum member Cbird lays out his top ten things that will lead to a successful quit.

  1. Quit for you. This decision to abstain from ANY and ALL NICOTINE is not based on fear or for anyone else.
  2. Post roll every damn day. Affirm daily to yourself and to the brotherhood your decision to protect your quit and theirs.
  3. Keep you word. Sounds simple until every hits the fan at once but if you can’t look yourself in the mirror honestly then you are a weak link.
  4. Hold your brothers accountable to posting and protecting their quit This will require open lines of communication.
  5. Have a sense of humor. Life is serious enough and quitting sucks. We did this to ourselves so own your quit.
  6. Special butterflies need not apply regardless of your life story or circumstances. Your finger print is the only unique thing about you. Follow the time tested precepts. You are not God’s gift to “quit” and KTC isn’t broken nor DOES IT NEED FIXING OR REINVENTING!
  7. Take what you can and leave the rest. It’s called life – roll with the good and bad.
  8. Protect your quit daily and if you have extra energy help a brother out. (old or new, we all need encouragement sometimes) the pay it backward and forward principle. Note help may include a boot in the ass every now and then or a 2×4 upside a thick foggy skull 
  9. No cure, pill or silver bullet to erase our history of nicotine abuse.
  10. Wake up and repeat
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