Cancer and Quitter Stories

Bobby Shaves For Surgery

Bobby Shaves For Surgery“I just shaved my beard, the first time in 30 years. This picture is for anyone who has kids, grandkids that think smokeless tobacco is cool to do. I want to share so others don’t make the same mistake I did. I had to shave the beard for a twelve hour surgery, Tuesday morning September 8th. A team of doctors are going to remove my jaw bone, and give me a titanium chin. Then after living with a feeding tube and trachea tube for 6 to 8 weeks, I may have to have radiation and chemotherapy. Maybe 3 months down the road, I will return to work with God’s help. My recovery could include speech therapy and plastic surgery. Please let everyone that you know, don’t put that stuff in your lip.”

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself but I believe in posting things in a spiritually positive form so yes, I have rephrased his words just a bit. There are also tumors inside his mouth, not just the chin. The pain I have watched him endure with this rapidly growing tumor, daily splitting not only the skin, but effecting his eating and speech, has been humbling. Seeing the spiritual change in his life has been an honor to be part of.
Thank you all for your prayers and understanding if we’re unable to respond to your msgs immediately. God is good and lives are changing. And yes, God will get him back to work ASAP!

Post Surgery Update:

“Bobby has been in recovery now for the last hour. I have not been able to see him yet. Surgery did go according to plan. Part of the bottom lip was removed. He should regain full use of the lip after recovery. All bottom teeth were taken out except 1. Skin was taken off his arm and leg for the inside of the mouth and chin. Bone was taken from his leg for a new jaw. He has a feeding tube and trachea. Communication will have to be by writing for four to six weeks. There is some good news, possibly no chemo. There will still be radiation. Please continue your prayers for us. Thank you again everyone.”

Posted to the Keeping up with the Jones’ Facebook group

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Misty dawn
9 years ago

Wow 4 yrs old? My prayers are with u and your family. Surgery the day before my birthday. Wow. I can’t say nothing but wow. Who lets a 4 yrs old even pick up a can of dip or smokes? I had a friend die from jaw cancer recently. They took his jaw and didn’t even replace it. Wow. My prayers and wishes to you Mr. Bobby. I hope your doing good. Wow

9 years ago

Where do you see that he started dipping at 4?

9 years ago

My sister Teresa stopped smoking when she was 52. Less than two weeks before her 55th birthday she was diagnosed with lung cancer, passed away three weeks after her diagnosis…I miss her dearly and pray that people realize how fragile life can be.

9 years ago

For anyone who doubts a kid starts chewing young doesn’t know rural kentucky especially 30 or more years ago. Everyone knew someone who cut tobacco or grew it. Plug tobacco was sweet to the taste. My dad used to let me have some when I was younger than 10 and I chewed pouches when I was that young. Information about the dangers wasn’t widely known. I’m a girl and I chewed because my dad did. I moved on to cigarette s when I was older and smoked until about 10 years ago. The culture in rural areas is much different. Most people who grew up chewing were addicted and becoming aware of the dangers doesn’t mean a person can just quit so easy. It takes time and willpower or a serious motivation like this one. We all have our addictions so don’t judge. And unless you’ve grown up in a certain culture you can’t understand. I hope this man gets better. And I truly hope some younger generations benefit from the lesson.

9 years ago

Becareful with vaping…it causes popcorn lung…look it up

8 years ago
Reply to  NurseBree

Stop. Really. Just stop with the popcorn lung. It’s no more of a risk than smoking and yes, smokers DO have a greater chance of popcorn lung than those of us who vape.

9 years ago

Watch that vaping…it causes popcorn lung…look it up.

8 years ago
Reply to  NurseBree

Sorry, that’s incorrect and it wasn’t from vaping. Stop spreading lies about that shit!!

Dayna Graser (formally Bundy) Janet's daughter
Dayna Graser (formally Bundy) Janet's daughter
9 years ago

Praying for you Bobby and your family. Only met you a couple of times but you are a great man and husband to Cousin Roxanne. My love and prayers go out to you.

9 years ago

I thank you for sharing your story… I shared it with my 17 yr old son in hopes he chooses to stay away from it before it becomes an addiction. He has been caught on several occasions , I made him write me a research paper on it and he still did it again. Next time I chose the amount he had to fit in his lip, then he had to sit with it in his mouth and watch a movie with me( no spitting) he then turned a different shade and sped off to the bathroom. I felt terrible for putting him through that. But hoped it would steer him away from the nasty habit. Again, he says he doesn’t do it..but I found out yet again!!! But this time says he’s done…( yeah right!!!) .. He just lies to me about it like I’m stupid.

9 years ago

My brother started dipping when he was 3 but I don’t see what ur ass has to do with anything duh

8 years ago
Reply to  Tina


9 years ago

Why leave a comment if you are going to be a little smart ass? This man is going through a lot! He AND his family! He is sharing his story to raise awareness and help himself not to revert back after treatment! Have some compassion!

I pray you win the fight! Thank you for sharing! Bless you and your family, sir.

❤️ A wife and mother

9 years ago

I dipped a can a day for about 20 years. I tried to quit several times by reducing how many dips I had and even replacing it with smoking. I finally just went cold turkey and had some smokey mountain snuff as a back up if I got to crazy. It was really tough for about a week but I got through it. I have not taken a dip for almost 2 years now. I’ll still dip smokey mountain in the deer stand though. I know the nicotine created the addiction but I really just enjoyed doing it. I’m proof that anyone can quit if they set their mind to it because I never thought I could really do it!

9 years ago
Reply to  Stephen

Today is my 4th day of being completely dip free, it feels amazing to not be tied down by tobacco. Even though its not so much the nicotene as it is the entire habit I created. Whenever I would roll up my sleeves get to work on, dinner, cleaning, homework, stuff around the house or work at work, I would throw a dip in. That’s where smokey mountain comes in handy. The first day was tough, but after that it’s easy. I went through so many jolly ranchers haha but it was well worth it. I promised my wife right after xmas, after this can or the first of the year I would be done. Well, I ran out, kept my word and not seeing the dissappointment in her face when she asks me if I dipped today is such an amazing feeling. Good luck to everyone who tries to quit. It’s hard. I tried to quit before my daughter was born, shes 2 now. I said I would quit before my son was born. He’s due on April 13. Pretty excited to not let my kids see one of my flaws that I can correct!!

9 years ago says the use of spit tobacco (dip,chew,snuff,snus) does not increase your chance of mouth cancer. Some dentists even admit that nicotine kills germs and bacteria in your mouth preventing gingivitis. I’ve both dipped and chewed for 11 years and yes it’s highly addictive but has not harmed my mouth science has shown that there are direct links to far more aggressive cancers in a warm bottle of water, processed food along with fast food and even talking on a cell phone. If you pay attention in to the websites, doctors, dentists, and your chem and bio science classes the genetic structure of the individual decides how susceptible they are to forms of cancer that is why not everyone that smokes chews dips or inhales gets cancer. For example me and also my fiancé’s father he has dipped and chewed since he was 6 and is now entering his 40’s and has not yet had any for of cancer and no a canker sore is not a form of cancer. I hope that the man has a smooth and speedy recovery even though the facts I have stated are true nicotine also reduces the speed of the healing process

9 years ago

Whoever let you start chewing at the age of 4 should be slapped and put in jail ?

9 years ago

Bobby and family-
I have never had a dip in my life, but I did socially smoke for around 7 years off and on. At 29 I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Surgery removing almost half of my tongue, chemo, and radiation. More people need to tell their stories like this. There needs to be more awareness. These things DO happen. It isn’t always a “that won’t happen to me” story. I was the me. And it happened. And my family and I dealt with it. I was 7 weeks postpartum with my first daughter when I was diagnosed. I’m going to give you some encouragement though, it gets better. I pray you don’t need chemotherapy and it hasn’t spread regionally. The radiation is brutal enough. I had adjuvant chemo and radiation and it was rough. I don’t remember about 4 months of my daughters first year. But today, I am 35. I have 2 more daughters that they didn’t know I’d ever have after chemo. I have no lasting side effects that aren’t live able. One tip for you though, make sure they check your thyroid after radiation. Mine was burned up from it. I pray for you and your family. It’s rough, but you can do it!! People beat cancer everyday! Stay positive! Turn to God. He got me through a lot!

9 years ago

This dude saying he started dipping at 4 my ass

9 years ago


You should really look into joining this website and posting roll in the newest group… – my username is y2baier, sign up and shoot me a PM and we will get you and keep you quit…


9 years ago


You should really look into joining this website and posting roll in the newest group… – my username is y2baier, sign up and shoot me a PM and we will get you and keep you quit…

9 years ago

I’m praying that you’ll be able to overcome this once and for all. I think you’re a very wise man to stop risking your health and future on this habit. I’m going to post your comment on Facebook. I think what you’ve said is as powerful a message as the post to which you were responding.

9 years ago

How does one start dipping at 4?

9 years ago

Since you were 4!?!?

9 years ago

God bless you. I wish you well.

9 years ago

I pray deliverance comes to you BEFORE the New Year if you believe it can happen! God can do the unimaginable! !!i know him for myself!

9 years ago

Do you guys have this in pouches?

9 years ago

Wait… You dipped at 4??

Dana Fay
Dana Fay
9 years ago

Just want to say if you can quit, do so. Not to preach but I just lost my step father to this type of cancer, he had quit dipping and smoking 20 years ago. This is what took his life. I’m a past smoker I know it’s not easy. I will have 2 years under my belt in January, it has been a struggle the whole way, but I’m more determined now then ever. It was very hard to see such a strong person go down this way, js

Dana Fay
Dana Fay
9 years ago

I just recently had to watch my step father go through the very same cancer unfortunately he lost his battle. I pray that you can heal. I pray that there would some day be more research on this type of cancer. God’s speed in your recovery

9 years ago

God bless you

9 years ago

Good luck Freddy. I’m sure you can do anything you put your mind too!

Sarah B
Sarah B
9 years ago

Amen to you!

9 years ago

PRAYERS to ya !!! I have dipped for a longtime, but always been able to quit when want to. Now this past couple of years it has Not gone that way for me. I have it in my head now, that i need to get thru my morning and day. I have have been trying to do better, but thats not STOPPED. So my Prayers are for you and an awesome recovery.

9 years ago

Praying for you! I watched my grandmother go through the same thing from dipping snuff for many years.

9 years ago

Plz if anyone needs help to quit…ask ur doctor for Chantix —-that’s the only way I could quit —- I only took it for 2 1/2 wks!

Chris Lanier
9 years ago

Praying for you Bobby! God will honor your bravery in sharing your story. Always give God the glory! I’m praying for a speedy pain free recovery! Strength for your wife and family.

9 years ago

I too was a dipper for 23 years, almost 2 cans a day, this past June, I put it down forever, it took me three total days to quite, gained 23 pounds and took on Mountain Dew like it was water, but I did it, I have only had a few cravings and let me tell you, it was not hard to refuse, look at the money you will save, you may not be religious but I asked God to deliver me from that stuff and by his almighty grace he did, you can do it buddy

9 years ago

First of all, I am praying for Bobby’s complete recovery and am so proud of him for allowing this story to be posted, so that others may be enlightened and lead away from using tobacco, in this case, the smokeless kind. Secondly, I want to commend Freddy for pouring out his heart in his reply on here and for deciding to quit this “filthy habit” once & for all. I pray for your success and good health and the same for anyone else that is moved to love themselves enough and save their own lives, too. God bless each & every one of you. Look to Him and draw your strength from Almighty God.

9 years ago

You started dipping at 4????

William rainer
William rainer
9 years ago

How is Bob doing..I will be praying for him

Larry edwards
Larry edwards
9 years ago

So you’ve dipped since you was four

9 years ago

You were 4 years old? ??

9 years ago

Praise God that this mans story touched you and hopefully has made a difference in your life. I pray that you will have the strength to accomplish your goal.

Linda Bush
Linda Bush
9 years ago

Bobby, I just showed and read this to my husband, Wendell, He has chewed Mammoth Cave for years and years. We lost our son, Marcus, eight months ago and he is chewing even more now. I have asked him to quit so many times in the past and, maybe, your story will help him to quit. I know that this is such a bad habit to break. Thank you for posting…God Bless You…But, I hate that you did not quit before this happened to you…

Anthony garrison
Anthony garrison
9 years ago

I am 27 and I have been dipping for 23 years ever since I was little. I have tried to quit but it always catch up to me. I hope you are doing well I will pray for you. Good bless you buddy

9 years ago

Wishing you the best and a speedy and efficient recovery, unfortunately I am reading this with a dip in… A little backround on myself; Currently I am 21, have been dipping since I was 15 and I have always used dip as a stress reliever which I understand is a false cliché about the nasty stuff since studies have proven chewing tobacco to raise blood pressure, increase heart rate, and adrenelin levels. But nevertheless I continue dipping under the false pretense that it will actually help me through stressful situations(which as an enlisted military person we deal with these situations a lot.) I have thought about quiting for years now, but every time I try I may only last a couple days at best due to the fact that I just like it, and never really wanted, or had the motivation to quit. “Oh, that will never be me..” A doubtful and hopeful phrase of which everyone who continues dipping has said if even just in their minds at least once. But the truth is that it can happen to anyone. This article proves that as well, and so many people have gone through this devastating experience only to wish that they have never started in the first place, and want to spread the word to others in hopes that maybe it will make a difference in even just one persons life so they won’t have to go through the hardship of all the endlessly possible complications dipping can generate from tooth loss all the way up the the most extreme complication which could result in a very painful death… I don’t know why this article hit me this hard, I have read articles before and although it made me contemplate whether or not i should continue the filthy habbit, i have always chosen the latter. maybe it made me think about my life, my girlfriend, or just my lifestyle and well being in general. Whatever the case may be, I have just removed the filth from my mouth, and have decided to commit myself 100% to quitting. All because I have stumbled upon this article tonight, so not only do I really wish you the best in all of your future endeavors, and hope you come out of this stronger than ever. I also want to take a second to thank you, from the bottom of my heart for really opening my eyes by posting this, and I hope others will make the same realizations I have made today. It is a filthy habbit that will only take you down with it, it doesn’t matter who you are, Noone is invincible, nor should they engage in a dangerous habbit that could inevitably kill you.. Life throws enough curveballs at you as it is, there is no need to increase the risk of complications in life with something you could knowingly avoid, especially with something that has absolutely no benefit to your life, and you can control. So thank you again, I really admire your courage in posting this, and I admire you for being so stong in a situation most people would let drag them down. I wish you the absolute best.

jean pedigo
jean pedigo
9 years ago

praying for you a smooth and fairly painless recovery. I have 2 and a thirteen year old who thinks it’s cool because they are his idols. their mom sent this to them and I surely hope the 13 yr old reads it too. continual prayers for you and your family. the oldest one just got engaged and she has a 2 yr old daughter that adores him….

9 years ago

The trach is there for obstruction of the airway. A passey Muir will cause stacking of the breath. Bad idea

R Newberry
R Newberry
9 years ago

I dipped for many years and had my lip cut on twice
Thank God He helped me quit
Keep looking to Him

9 years ago


belinda kent
belinda kent
9 years ago

i had breast cancer cause of smoking,for 20 yrs i had chemo radiation,breast removed, more chemo and i take tamoxifen for 5yrs

9 years ago

How is Bobby doing,?

9 years ago

I have been using smokeless tobacco for 10 years now. I’m 33 now I quit for 1 year by vaping. It’s an addiction that is very hard to battle. I pray that God gives you strength, and the spirit lifts you up. Thank you for sharing this, hopefully as I dwell on it my eyes will open up and maybe in will have more strength and courage to battle this addiction.

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