Cancer and Quitter Stories

Bobby Shaves For Surgery

Bobby Shaves For Surgery“I just shaved my beard, the first time in 30 years. This picture is for anyone who has kids, grandkids that think smokeless tobacco is cool to do. I want to share so others don’t make the same mistake I did. I had to shave the beard for a twelve hour surgery, Tuesday morning September 8th. A team of doctors are going to remove my jaw bone, and give me a titanium chin. Then after living with a feeding tube and trachea tube for 6 to 8 weeks, I may have to have radiation and chemotherapy. Maybe 3 months down the road, I will return to work with God’s help. My recovery could include speech therapy and plastic surgery. Please let everyone that you know, don’t put that stuff in your lip.”

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself but I believe in posting things in a spiritually positive form so yes, I have rephrased his words just a bit. There are also tumors inside his mouth, not just the chin. The pain I have watched him endure with this rapidly growing tumor, daily splitting not only the skin, but effecting his eating and speech, has been humbling. Seeing the spiritual change in his life has been an honor to be part of.
Thank you all for your prayers and understanding if we’re unable to respond to your msgs immediately. God is good and lives are changing. And yes, God will get him back to work ASAP!

Post Surgery Update:

“Bobby has been in recovery now for the last hour. I have not been able to see him yet. Surgery did go according to plan. Part of the bottom lip was removed. He should regain full use of the lip after recovery. All bottom teeth were taken out except 1. Skin was taken off his arm and leg for the inside of the mouth and chin. Bone was taken from his leg for a new jaw. He has a feeding tube and trachea. Communication will have to be by writing for four to six weeks. There is some good news, possibly no chemo. There will still be radiation. Please continue your prayers for us. Thank you again everyone.”

Posted to the Keeping up with the Jones’ Facebook group

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9 years ago

You’re a smart one aren’t you?? It’s BEFORE surgery dearest!! And SMOKELESS tobacco meaning snuff or chew. Not a vapor!!

Dianne Bond (@dbond21201)
Reply to  Susan

Vapor has nicotine and other chemicals. It is just as dangerous. Look it up on

Dedra Gow
Dedra Gow
9 years ago

You my dear, are an insensitive ass hat! How is my spelling?? Is ass hat one word or two? I’m sure you will let me know!

9 years ago

You don’t have to explain yourself to IDIOTS like Kandir!! God Bless 🙂

9 years ago

I never. And I mean NEVER REPLY to these things. But I could not help myself tonight. Ashley. You are quite possibly the most rude and insensitive person I have ever had the misfortune of experiencing!! A mans life is in danger and all you can think to comment is your negative bullshit! Who gives a God damn about spelling! You are ridiculous. Go elsewhere. You aren’t wanted or needed here!

9 years ago

God bless you both and hoping the prognosis is good.

9 years ago

1. spelling matters.
2. We all have tracheas. We are born with them.
3. Can you read? It clearly states this is a presurgery photo. So he would not have the tracheostomy yet.

Lisa-Anne Dodsley
Lisa-Anne Dodsley
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

It’s actually tracheotomy. Sorry. My Nurse told me to correct you.
This post isn’t about grammar or spelling hun. It’s about a man sharing his story so people are informed.
Have a wonderful day hun! You made mine???

8 years ago
Reply to  Ashley

Two big thumbs up

9 years ago

Good for you. Keep it up!

9 years ago

Maybe u should read it again idiot

Bambi mountgumery
9 years ago

Sherre listen for one thing this is supposed to send a positive message to everyone smoking is bad for you and these are some of the side affects why do you have to nit pick the fucking post damn just say amen or not and be on you r way damn people are so negative this day and age were is the damn support and respect

9 years ago

Did you read the story? This was a pre surgery post and picture. Before making accusations be sure you have actually comprehended what you read.

9 years ago


9 years ago

The same thing happened to my step dad. Sound almost identical. Prayer for you and your family.

9 years ago

People just can not read and comprehend what they are reading! 1 First no one said anything about vapor smoking had anything to do with this. 2 this was a pic of him after he shaved for the surgery meaning before anything was done!! It clearly says after the surgery he will have to continue with the trachea and feeding tube for six weeks … Etc..
People need to shut up and READ the FULL article and comprehend it before leaving comments do you do not sound foolish!! What are kids bring taught these days! i will tell you hat they are NOT learning basic comprehension , spelling, proper writing communication! I know my writing bites but I do comprehend what I read!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Sheree

Sheree…For everyone’s sake girl, take a deep breath and count to 4?????? Thank you and have a blessed day??

9 years ago

POST surgery photo???!!! How dare you say he and the pics are a lie!

9 years ago

My husband to has oral cancer and is having his surgery in two days. After 26 years of smokeless tobacco and just turning 47, the first cancer center said the same thing about his jaw being removed, we went to the hospital of the university of penn. and they do not need to remove the lower jaw just shave it down but will remove all the muscle from inside the mouth and use skin and muscle from his arm to replace what the cancer has killed. He is a stage 3 he will most likely not need chemo or radiation. A stage 3 in the mouth is not the same as a cancer in the body it actually goes by the size of the cancer. My husband is very lucky it is not in his bone lymph nodes or tounge it is only on the inside bottom of the mouth. It’s so hard to stop but if you know someone who has this please do your research and always get a second opinion I thank the GOOD LORD we did otherwise my husbands outcome was going to be the same as this man with losing his teeth and lower jaw. It’s going to be a long road but we got this!

8 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Hey Karen, my name is Karen also and my husband has head and neck cancer from dipping for 35years. He is 52 yesrs old. He had to have all of his teeth pulled, they said part of his jawbone would have to be cut out and replaced. He had to have a feeding tube put in and a port put in too. He is having chemo and radiation. He has lost probably 40 lbs. Yesterday they did an emergency surgery to remove his port because it became infected. From non sterile hands or a connection. He now has a hole in his chest that we have to repack daily. He’s really had a rough time. He feels absolutely horrible all the time. He hasn’t been able to work. And on top of everthing else they had to stop treatment because they burnt his neck so bad with the radiation that it was just an open wound all the way across. I pray for all of those affected with cancer and I hope people will read this and decide to quit dipping, chewing and smoking. It does tertible things to your body and it’s just not worth it. Please quit or please don’t ever start.❤

Janelle Williams
Janelle Williams
8 years ago
Reply to  Karen

KAren, I am praying for your husband and for you. If you are a Believer, please read Jer.29:11

Daisy Ansley
Daisy Ansley
8 years ago
Reply to  Karen

Karen, so sorry for what you and your husband are going thru…huggs and prayers..

Meg thoms
Meg thoms
9 years ago

This person did not have a trachea!! There would be a scare about an inch and a half long between the 2 collarbones and up about 2 inches on the lower neck. And honestly they would have probably went ahead and kept it in for the surgery because under anesthesia you have to have support breathing, that would be easier and safer then adding a breathing tub, seeing in how its already there! I’m not big on vapor smoking or smoking in general at all. It’s awful for you, but obviously there’s already a lie about this picture, so who’s to say the whole thing is it a lie…

8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

Meg- Perhaps if you worried more about reading what’s written and showing a tiny ounce of compassion for someone in a terrible situation, (regardless of the reason why) rather than trying to think of something sarcastic and clever to say about it, you might have all the correct details and be able to comment with at least a little bit of accuracy. Instead, you just made yourself sound like a pretentious bitch.

8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

You may actually want to read the article, perhaps a couples so that you may be able to comprehend what it actually says because you clearly miss the boat on the 1st read.

Anna Lisa
Anna Lisa
8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

This is a pre-surgical picture, showing the cancer scars once he shaved his beard. The article talks about what they are going to do once he is in surgery.

8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

This is a PRE surgery picture. Read the article! There is no trach because this was taken before the surgery!

8 years ago
Reply to  Lisa

Correct Lisa. I am a nurse and Bobby was referring to a tracheotomy that he would have after surgery. And the point of the article is to educate young boys and men about the dangers of dipping. I have 15 and 17 yo boys who play baseball and some of their friends dip. My husband and I have educated them about the dangers. Praying they make good decisions.

Deb McDonald Dodson
8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

Everyone has a trachea.

8 years ago
Reply to  Meg thoms

read the article before you open your mouth.

9 years ago

Prayers from Alaska

9 years ago

Dip free for 5 days now after dipping 2 cans a day for 16 years. Thanks for sharing your story!

8 years ago
Reply to  Mike

Hey Mike. I’m Karen (#2) from the comment above. You know what’s really weird? My husbands name is Mike. He is going thru an absolutely horrible time (he probably dipped 4-5 cans a day). So kudos to you for quiting. It is one of the hardest things you will ever do, but it will be so worth it. Congratulations. You should be very proud of yourself.?

8 years ago
Reply to  Mike

That’s awesome! Hope you hang in there! I know it’s hard…..I quit smoking almost a year and a half ago, after smoking for just about 16 years! Wasn’t easy, but I did it cold turkey, thank god! Now I do crave one fro mtine to time, but i will NEVER go back!!!

9 years ago

Get out of your feeling Stacy! My grandmother passed from lung cancer too. You being disgusted about someone else’s choice is not going to bring her back. You need to seriously reevaluate who your upset and disgusted with.

9 years ago

Stacy your cold dead heart will stop beating one day, and kill you just as fast as you would of you smoked. This man is sharing his story, he is hoping to help others. What is wrong with a person as yourself that you can lose your mother and still carry so much hate, that you would rather fade her memory under that MASSIVE cloud of anger, then do something good? Do something as he is doing, helping others, instead of becoming someone I’m sure your mother is not remotely proud of. You need to open yourself to the Good Lord’s healing hands, and allow this wound your carrying around, to begin to heal. All of our stories are different, I don’t think there is a person on earth that has not been touched by Cancer at sometime or shape or form, but I’ve never in my life seen or read something so unkind. To the naked eye the only thing anyone can take out of what you wrote him is your real truth. Which is very obvious, that because you couldn’t save your mother, because she couldn’t stop could not bring herself to put down the smokes even for her daughter….That your the most angry at YOURSELF. All that anger you just unleashed on this man who is trying to change his situation, is really just anger your too scared to open yourself up too. You couldn’t save her, she couldn’t quit years earlier, even for her daughter, and maybe you didn’t even step up to the plater earlier, you didn’t even attempt years earlier….then by then, it was too late. I feel your pain, I’ve been there, am there now. But please believe me when I say, until you throw away your burden of guilt, until you admit the reason your so pissed at the world, you will never be able to be at peace with your mother, or yourself. But please remember the next time you decide to use your words to be so hateful, so completely inhuman and unkind to a man, or anyone that is trying to become better, no matter how late in the game……that really your just hurting yourself, again and again but using words that tear people apart, when their already at their lowest. I will say a prayer, God Bless sweatheart. I hope your able to see this for what it is, which is hopefully a wake up call, carrying that kind of hate will eat you up faster then Cancer every could be begin to.

8 years ago
Reply to  Jayme

I have not read Stacy’s comment as it would mean combing through many many posts, however Jayme your response to her may be taken to heart by so many other posters here. Harboring hate in ones heart brings for a sad life and until one begins to forgive that hate will continue to eat their heart and soul. Only by forgiveness of ones self are they able to forgive others and move on to truly understand the love of others and ones self.

Jayme your words are very well spoken and I pray Stacy and others take them to heart so they can begin to heal themselves.

9 years ago

Tonia (and this goes for anyone that smokes/vapes)—
That’s fabulous that you have quit smoking cigarettes and have been cigarette-free for 2 years! However, I wanted to take a moment and urge you to stop vaping. It is not any healthier for you and might actually be worse for you. Quit now and maybe a Radiation Therapist like myself will not see you for treatment. Cherish your life and take care of your body! Good luck & God Bless!

9 years ago

Pretty harsh comments. Have some compassion!

Janice Brady Gill
8 years ago
Reply to  J.

Compassion comes when ppl die from life choices. And yes I said “choices”…. I’m a nurse and I have compassion for all who deserve it. Ppl who choose to destroy their body deliberately… Do they deserve compassion? That’s where sympathy comes in….

8 years ago

I am glad I am not and will not be your patient! I am pretty sure that as a nurse it is your job to show compassion for all your patients! It is not your job to decide if they deserve it or not, it is your job to be a decent human being especially when you are caring for them in their most vulnerable state! I get that in the healthcare field you get desensitized, but only showing compassion to those who “deserve it” is on a different level!

8 years ago

Well do you feel sorry for a gambler that loses everything they own same concept there’s no guarantee that your’e going to get cancer from dipping/smoking so it’s a long term gamble with your life.

Debbie Gerber Mikesell

Doesn’t everyone deserve compassion? I would not want to be one of your patients. You sound very cold. Maybe you’ve become to bitter and should get out of nursing,

9 years ago

To Stacy- your comments are totally not warranted or appreciated. I mean really gal? You are despicable.

9 years ago

You obviously have unresolved anger about your parent’s passing, and I can certainly understand that. My father is suffering from COPD from 55 years of smoking, sometimes as much as 4 packs a day. I have things I would say to him, but he has already voiced them himself. Kicking him while he is down doesn’t help him and doesn’t make me feel better. My sadness is still present. Hurting this gentleman who is sharing his story as a warning to others won’t help you either. Find another outlet for your anger; one that will benefit you and maybe someone else. Grieve for your parent and the love that you held for her. Nourish your soul so that you can find some peace from your grief. My best regards.

9 years ago

My mother just Died just a month ago from lung cancer from smoking 40 years of her life only to quit the last 8 months of it.
When I read this I’m sorry all I feel is anger and want to ask you, did you feel Cool for chewing that nasty stuff? And are you proud now when you look at your family? Via its going to be your family taking care of you! Not the tobacco company. It’s your family who will clean your face and help you threw this and do all they can and sacrifice their lives for you to help save you from the cancer from your chewing that nasty tobacco! And when the medications make it so u pee urself they will clean it up or you shut urself who will clean that? You will be to weak. So once again they will! And when your medications plug you up n your beyond constipated and you don’t want to take the 10th ambulance ride cos it cost to much cos ur catheter is plugged but ur in pain and u can’t poop, and the nurse shows your kid how to lubercate your hand yes hand so the can shove it up into you to dig out the poop that’s been stuck in you for weeks, well at least now they can do it at home.
I just hope with the meatballs jaw you can still look cool and can look at your family and be a proud person and be glad you used tobacco for 30 years cos I’m sure it was worth it, cos another 10 years you would be like my mom…. Dead !, no dignity, no family to help them and defiantly no tobacco company standing next to her being glad she was a customer for 40 years!

8 years ago
Reply to  Stacy

Stacy is obviously destroyed and in pain over her mother’s death, Unresolved grief and rage are making her attack others who have the same thing her mother did. Stacy has not yet forgiven her mother “for putting her through ” the horror of what obviously was a long hard end. We cannot know if Stacy was a cold hard hearted fish who resented caring for her mother and having to do such intimate tasks for her, or if she was a loving daughter, who is still overwhelmed by the anguish of watching her beloved mother suffer so much. But regardless of which, Stacy needs prayers that she can heal from it. Pity her, and pray for her, but really, TRY not to be angry at her.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

Rebecca, YES!!!!!

8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

Yes she does, prayers for Stacy.

Angela V
Angela V
8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

Agreed. Anger is still a stage of grief.

8 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca

exactly, well said. I think anger is a normal part of reaction to extreme sorrow and pain.

Joye Langille
Joye Langille
8 years ago
Reply to  Stacy

35 years ago at age 15 I had to have surgery to open my nose that had grown shut from the heavy smoking my parents did around me. Are you aware that in the 60’s and 70’s the tobacco companies were paying doctors to promote their cigarettes? They were given to my husband as a stocking stuffer when he was 16. Your Mother is not to blame at all. Have you not watched the movie “The Insider”? My grandmother was told to quit or it would kill her. So she quit cold turkey and had a stroke from the shock. This man is trying to save young lives, the kids who aren’t listening to the truth that we now have, all hanks to one brave human. I am 50 and have never smoked in my life, i have second smoke lung damage. Do I blame my Mother? No. I blame the corporate greed and the politicians who allowed it. Instead of hating on this guy. Give all the passion to fighting a corrupt system that may as well as injected heroin in your mothers veins. They said it was the best thing to do. My Mother still smokes to this day, much to my sadness. Find peace in your heart. See the real monster. Honour your Mother..

8 years ago
Reply to  Stacy

I’m sorry you are hurting so I! I do hope by this point your pain has healed some. However, some of the details in which you described as to what happens to a person if they smoke and their family has to care for them when they become I’ll, actually happens every single day to everyday individuals who don’t smoke, who don’t have cancer, they are just dying of old age. Their families are taking care of them. I do hope you don’t have this much anger for the next loved one who grows old and needs your assistance and I also hope someone has patience with you as you grow old. Because our aging population deserve to be taken care of no matter what the reason of their history. Please take care and seek counseling if needed.

Jolene Schlichting
Jolene Schlichting
8 years ago
Reply to  Stacy

All these comments brought tears to my eyes. I, too, smoked for 27 years but quit when I had a heart attack and needed heart surgery but I totally understand the addiction. Even today I crave a cigarette at times….since my husband died last year from esophageal cancer. It’s hard….I know it. But, it’s harder yet by far to lose someone to cancer. I cry every day for the loss of the love of my life…and I cried for each of you with your losses, your suffering, and your defensiveness to justify your smoking or chewing. If you don’t want to think of yourself, no one can make you….but really, really try to think of your loved ones and how they will survive without you if you die because of tobscco. Please…please…think of them.

8 years ago
Reply to  Stacy

Not everyone is as nasty as you about family who needs help, we all make choices everyday good and bad. Once you are through the anger stage I hope you have a warmer heart. You are pitiful and all these kind people are praying for you.

9 years ago

Hey DOPES, tobacco – either smoked or dipped, or vamed is still a cancer causing agent! Get a grip on it, quit or better yet, don’t start. Better yet for all of us, health care costs will eventually go down because of the completely unnecessary health and surgical issues related to the junk.

8 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Vape juice contains no tobacco. It contains the chemical nicotine. Tobacco causes cancer. Nicotine does not. Nicotine affects brain receptors and is highly addictive. It has always been the VEHICLE, tobacco, that causes cancer. Nicotine can causes high blood pressure and rapid heart beat and coronary artery narrowing. But not cancer.

8 years ago
Reply to  Paul

Everything we put in our bodies these days causes cancer, whether it be tobacco or the shitty food in our grocery stores, so if you have a problem with health care cost them stop consuming everything including food and water and see how long you last. Maybe your comments should be directed towards the FDA!!!

9 years ago

This from chewing tobacco

9 years ago

It’s from chewing tobacco

9 years ago

Prayers to you and your family for a speedy recovery.

9 years ago

God bless you and your family.

John Holbrook
9 years ago

I watched my father die at 61 from tobacco. I am now 83 and in good health. I have never smoked a single cigarette in my life and I am sure not going to start now!

9 years ago

Prayers for you and your family! I smoked for 19 years and I in 9 days I will celebrate 2 years cig free! I do vape but I’m down to 0-1.5 mg of nicotine! God bless you and thank you for sharing your story!

9 years ago

Chewing tobacco can be called smokeless tobacco

9 years ago

I hope he has already started speech therapy, especially if he received radiation. If not, start asap to preserve motility of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that are being radiated. If not, scar tissue may develop, making it difficult to talk or swallow long term. Just some friendly advice from a speech therapist who has seen it many times. Best of luck to you for a full recovery.

9 years ago

I think Bobbys bad habit was chew. Not vapor cigs.

9 years ago

6 years ago I stopped smoking because I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Had to use a feeding tube for several years!! Now able to eat, but limited!!

My husband died 2 years ago. Cancer of the larynx. Battled for 2 years, surgery to remove his larynx was last chance. Never spoke again. Miss him.

All due to smoking cigarettes.

Rhonda Robey
Rhonda Robey
9 years ago

I pray that Bobby is ok from now on and I hope that everyone learns from his mistakes may God be with you and your family at this time

Bam Bam
Bam Bam
9 years ago

prayers for a speedy recovery. So sorry for all the pain you are enduring. Thank you for sharing what happens when you chew. My son lost some teeth and has jaw bone damage he also has plenty of oral damage. He is young and did chew for 2 years. Get better soon. God Bless you.

Dennis Collins
Dennis Collins
9 years ago

I did it for about 15 years it’s been over a year since I Quit

Suzanne Davis
Suzanne Davis
9 years ago

I pray for your full recovery. I smoked for forty years and I am on oxygen 24/7. I know the pitfalls of tobacco. I will pray for a speedy recovery… God bless

9 years ago

What caused you to be checked for younger cancer what signs did you notice. I’m having problems and I’m scared to death. We don’t need another sick one in the family for my husband is battling stage 4 colon cancer that has spread to liver lungs and kidneys. Oh I well I know about the chemo treatments. There’s time I just have to take a walk and have a good cry. I couldn’t make it as his care giver without holding to my faith. Any ways if you have time drop me a reply on the warnings. Thanks so much.Happy New Year

8 years ago
Reply to  Becky

Becky look into his taking silica every day. It is a trace mineral that if there is enough of in the body, cancer cannot survive. A chemist won a nobel prize in 1939 for his research into the matter. Also canniboid oil is said to cure cancer. All natural cures. Big Pharma does not want these cures put out there because it would take a multi million dollar business away from them. I believe that God has a cure out there that is not detrimental to one’s health like chemo and radiation.

9 years ago

Jerry, I work in the dental field and have Never heard that nicotine kills bacteria. It does cause lesions, and recession on the guns. Not sure about your info. I do know the Internet is full of lots of misleading information. People can put whatever they want on the web. It doesn’t make it true.

9 years ago

Hey! You are in God’s care and will be fine. Possibly no chemo, that is awesome !! Prayers for you. Get well soon

9 years ago

Good luck to you — but I’m thinking you just want to believe what you want to believe so you can continue doing what you want to do. Having seen addiction in my own family, my take is that you are walking up fool’s hill. I wish you the best — but I would hope you give up habits that will kill you. Enough said.

Dana Jackson
Dana Jackson
9 years ago

Praying for him and his family. He is in my thoughts and prayers.

Steve Lenhard
Steve Lenhard
9 years ago

What is Smokey Mountain Snuff??

9 years ago

Prayers and blessings for you and Bobby for courage, perseverance, and speedy/full recovery.

9 years ago

Eating popcorn leads to popcorn lung too. Vaping is less harmful than cigarettes. It has less of the chemical in it. So it’s not true. The tobacco companies are trying to turn people away from vaping because they are losing money. Any articles that are about vaping from the fda are directly paid for by the tobacco companies. If people would actually do research then stupid crap wouldn’t circulate on the Internet. It’s all a huge hoax. Most articles you read are lies.

8 years ago
Reply to  Kat

Actually the big bucks being spent to fight vaping is coming from the Pharmaceutical companies. Since vaping has soared, these companies have lost MILLIONS in sales of their nicotine gums and patches and meds like Chantix.

9 years ago

Prayers for you all that God grants a healthy recovery. Thanks for posting. Such a good lesson for many?

9 years ago

Where did it say he started at four?

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