2008 HOF Speeches

Bounced – Proud To Continue My Quit

quit_aug_27_08 - Bounced - Proud To Continue My QuitFirst, I wish I could redo my first sign-in with KTC. When I joined, I was not accustomed to forums (and I’m still not comfortable with chat). I really didn’t think it through that my sign in name would follow me with everything I did. So, being very creative, I used my entire quit date. Now I am known as quit_Aug_27_2008. How supercool is that?


  • almost 27 year addiction that began in 8th grade
  • chewed (and gutted) Copenshitten daily for nearly 25 years
  • had “final” battle with my wife, told her I would quit, this time for good
  • went ninja with Skull pouches for final year and half

In 2007 and the beginning of 2008, I watched as my Dad battled and finally lost his life to lung cancer. There are no words to describe the effect his death had on me. And yet, even seeing with my own eyes what his habit had done, I still needed that “life-saving” chew in my mouth because I was stressed. What a moron. I finally wised up in late August of 2008 (August 27th as I so creatively pointed out earlier) and said enough is enough. Now, I couldn’t be happier.

Yes, I crave. Some days I crave a lot. Some days I crave a little. Some days, not at all. I know there is a chance that craves will be with me for the rest of my life. So be it. Every day I am quit, it’s a new life. And I like my quit life much, much better. No more crazily running around my house wondering where the F I left my can. No more airport security heart attacks. No more scurrying off to the c-store to make that two can special. No more spitters. No more wasted time and energy worrying about nicotine, period. I can now spend my time on my kids. On my wife. On my life.

Just recently my wife went on a week-long business trip. And it didn’t even cross my mind that I could chew what I wanted, whenever I wanted. I didn’t care. But I do care about my quit. And I care about passing it forward.

There was an interesting exchange in December some time back and I wondered if there was a national program targeted at discouraging chewing. If there is, I thought maybe, as a collective KTC group, we could pool our money and make a donation towards some truly useful education program aimed at kids to not pick up chewing. If there isn’t, I thought we could again, as the KTC whole, pool our money & resources and make some kind of public service message or campaign targeting kids to keep the crap out of their mouths. There are so many great stories, ideas, thoughts, opinions floating around in here that some kind of guerrilla marketing effort could make a massive impression. I bet we could even get some pro athletes/ organizations to help with our efforts. Wouldn’t it be nice if there wasn’t a need for KTC in the future because no one chewed? Wouldn’t it be great to tell UST to shove chew up theirs? Although I am not sure the best way to go about this (maybe another KTC member does), if there is interest in something like this, I am willing to put my money where my mouth is and start up the pledges.

…a great bunch of vets around KTC. Even though we may not have spoken or posted directly, your quit inspired my quit: BBJ, Animal, Chewie, Bubblehed, Arj, Bones, CJ, Bowhunter, qferret, smokeyg, Theo, ODT, remshot, kd4jet, visa, mule, redtrain, 11×4, satarch1 and soon to be vets Copefiend, navychief, ricko. I know there are several others out there – no offense if I have inadvertently left you off – the reason this site thrives is because of people like you who honestly do want people to kill the can.

Now onto December. Without you guys, my quit would have been twice as hard and half the fun. Each and every one of the Bouncers had a hand in my quit and for that, I am forever grateful and in your debt. Volp, wish you were boarding this month but I will be there for your pick up in March. Stick with it, brother, and beat this thing once and for all.

  • T2 – our leader. It’s your quit that inspired me most. Thank you, sir.
  • LC – truly look forward to the day I can shake your hand. Be safe, thank you for your service and keep posting.
  • Dolo – you gotta post a pic of Mr. Kitty Compact. Thanks for your help in getting me to the HOF.
  • kdip – You should be very proud of your accomplishments and what you have done to bring your family back. Great job, friend.
  • Ranteam – Nice to know you have our backs. Your avatar still scares me but I did research the band and liked their stuff.
  • RaiderH8r – A quitter AND anti-Oakland. A perfect combination. A bouncer through and through.
  • Sal – quitters and fans of the WCHA. Not a bad combination at all.
  • CMist – a great quitter all around. Nice getting to know you and look forward to future discussions.
  • S3 – 2009 is just around the corner. You are quit and there is no better way to start the year. Things will get better.
  • Scoobs, David1, aboveit, Rizzo, Ram, Moose, Coug, littlewj and mustangs: Thanks for helping my quit. Know you can lean this way any time.

I am proud to continue my quit with all of you December Bouncers. We will reach 200 days, 2,000 days and thousands of quit days after that.

In closing, I promised myself a hip avatar once I reached HOF as a gift. As it is with my screen name, I am afraid of what I may end choosing. Any suggestions, please PM them my way (no, smokeyg, I do not want your old one).

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member quit_aug_27_08

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David hemmeline
David hemmeline
9 years ago

What happened to the day counter.
Is there a way I can turn it back on? I am a couple of years quit for good, I love this site and everything it stands for. Thank you all for amazing support.

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