Your Quit

Building Bonds


I’m just gonna leave this here. I started this last night. And I was like meh I care too much about building bonds with this group. They won’t even notice i did this. So I stopped. And then today I decide to finish it because I care too much about this group.

I get it everyone has a Life. Work, family,

Lets play out a scenario…… Fast forward five years. Something terrible just happened. You lost a love one, your home, your job. You hit rock bottom. Is my number going to be in your phone to call if you decide that’s too much and cave? And are you even going to to listen to any words I say? Why would you ever trust a stranger who you may never meet in real life? Especially since the only connection that you and him share is posting roll on some website.

Nicotine is FOREVER. Every single day we are going to battle it.
There’s a reason why BROTHERHOOD is preached on this site. Everything in life comes and goes, but family is always FOREVER. Some of you don’t know it, but you are stuck with me for the rest of your life. I made promise to be there for you. No matter what time or day I GOT YOU.

But in order for that to happen. We have to get to know each other. Share experiences and stories. So if there’s ever a time that you do need to talk. We are actually talking and not repeating some motto that we read.

Would you prefer this?
Listen man nicotine is a bitch. You got this. Whatever you do. don’t put a pinch in.


Hey man, I know its rough. But I’m here for  you let’s talk. How was your daughter’s dance recital? Tell me your favorite scene  of the same movie we enjoy.  Listen ( insert first name) I’ll be on this phone till dawn if I have to.

And that’s what gets me… how am I supposed to count on YOU and trust YOU if I don’t even know your first name?

NOTE: This piece written by forum member SixString

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