Quit Calculators

Do you have a hard time remembering how long you’ve been quit? Ever wondered how much money you’ve saved since you quit dipping or smoking? Use these calculators and let us keep track for you! Enter your quit date and your usage and we’ll take care of the rest! Keep on quitting!
DAY 80 GUYS! Much better from previous day(s). Got a lot of work done and my mood is also happy. Didn’t had any withdrawal symptoms.
Cheers! 🙂 Have a happy Friday guys!
Day 79 guys. It’s like I have gone back to Day 1. Had hot flashes, mental fog, stomach problems and feeling feverish and sweating. I have been dipping since 6 years. I am 22 now and going to graduate from college. The main problem is that I am a software developer and I can’t concentrate and always feeling something bad is happening with me, but I know that all this are psychological stuff my brain is playing with me. But, this pain is for having a good future and we are gonna make it together.
Cheers 🙂 Have a nice day everyone.
Congrats on Day 79!! Hang in there. It does get better. I’m at day 224 and I still have occasional cravings but the mental side of it is a whole lot better. Now when I do have a craving it is short lived. Remembering that first 100+ days will keep me from ever doing it again.
Yeah, thanks mate! It really does get better. Congratulations on your 224 days.
Cheers 🙂
Thanks brother. That was actually a typo. I’m at 324. I’ve almost got my first year out of the way.
No problem bro! Anyway Good Luck and congratulation on your 324!
Cheers 🙂
Whats up man. I am 22 as well, been dipping for 4 years and every time I tried to reduce intake, I would fall back into a deeper habit. I went cold Turkey 46 days ago. When it feels like day 1, I always think about the disgusting things dip did to me. I brush my teeth for 2 minutes and watch how the white is replacing yellow stains that were formulating. I think of my gums falling off and losing my life to a stupid habit. You are on day 79 now, but have infinity to go, and I promise you that the will is within you to keep going. Don’t think about going back to day 1, think about adding some zeros to that one and start the 21 day countdown until you reach 100 days with no cancer in your mouth.
I’m 78 days quit but today I’m feeling a bit down.I’m feeling fatigued,feverish, having mild stomach problems, hot flashes and my mind has become foggy.It’s like Day 1.Few days before I had gum pain, which had eventually subsided.
Congratulations on 78 days. That is very normal. I hit a rough patch right around there then right around 100. Results vary though. Mine around 80 was annoying for a couple days. Around 100 it was brutal and lasted a week. Take it day by day and keep up the good fight!
Yeah, Thanks, good to hear that it’s normal. Congratulations on your 100 days. We are gonna keep up the good fight.Cheers! 😉
Hi guys, today I reach my 50 day milestone, I am happy with my achievement, anxiety is still the same as day 1, I still feel dizzy and the fog is still here, I wonder how much time should I still live with this? this past few days I have thought about it a lot. I almost cave after a fight with my wife, glad I didn’t.
How are you doing now? I remember day 50 and feeling like I should have been over all of it. I got so mad that I ended up quitting a really good job but I never caved on my dipping. Hang in there. Im glad you didn’t cave too.
Thanks Jay, Yes, I didn’t cave, I always remember that if I cave I will destroy all the efforts and progress I made so far, I am on day 58, waiting eagerly for that feeling when the fog is lifted entirely, and the cravings get less aggressive, but anyway it is better than before. Glad I found this website and bros like you guys. I wouldn’t quit without your encouragement.
Day 5 of quitting, I am doing this for myself, my family (wife and couple of daughters), I am 37 now, and I feel that it just doesn’t make sense for me to keep myself a silent slave to Nicotine, before quitting I couldn’t just pass 60 minutes without dipping, I was afraid of going to big social events (weddings, anniversaries,..).
Here where I live, we don’t have cans like you guys, we buy fresh, ready to dip, tobacco and roll pouches ourselves, using facial tissue paper. what’s dangerous about this is that you just don’t know the quantity of Nicotine you are dipping, it just depends on your taste, mood, etc… I was doing from 25 to 30 dips every single day for the last 14 years.
Now, day 5, I feel depressed, really life SUCKS without nicotine, I can’t concentrate at work (I am software developer), I am afraid this time of the Fog will take my productivity down, not sure how much time this will stay, but I am sure some light will be in the end of this tunnel.
I can’t go back to dipping, this will make me more depressed, now, at least, I wake up in the morning proud that I could make it, wish me luck bros, I am in my way to freedom that I need eagerly to get my life back.
keep going brother, on day 11 myself. the next few days will be tough for you but after about a week i started having better days sprinkled in. good luck stay strong
Thanks bro for the motivation bro, I am on day 7 now, still not feeling better, yet, I had to remind myself many times during the last few days why I stopped from the beginning and how I will see myself a big loser if I break all my efforts and back to dip again. I write in a small notebook the symptoms I feel, daily and always remind myself that this will pass.. Thanks again.
Day 46. Around 14-30 this all subsides. You will thank yourself SO much down the road.
I understand your condition bro, I am also a software developer and use to dip all the working hours for more productivity. I am on day 3, I didn’t have single crave yet. Or I am not able to recognize the craving yet.
But getting other things like digestion, body pain, heavy head. Hope this will pass.
Thanks bro, please keep going and do not break it even if you feel bad in the next few days, my main concern is the concentration at this stage, and as you know, our job is based on concentration to avoid long hours of debugging.
I drink more coffee, more chewing-gum, but still feel that need to Nicotine at this stage, I hope this will not stay long as it’s really painful.
Good Luck!
Started my Quit today… 10+ years of nothing but grizzly wintergreen long cut. 1-2 tins a day.
made it 24 hours for the first time since I started.
That’s great!
Congratulations for your decision and making your first 24 hours. You will realize later that it’s easier than you think.
Will hit the 14 day mark in few hours. it’s getting less brutal day after day, I can better handle stress now. Just keep it up.
Day 7 – Doing this myself and the love of my life
Keep going Andrew, congrats on 7 days!
Glad you are checking in. You are getting it, it’s horrible, awful. However, in the morning, afternoon, and evening when you are at rest you will feel your accomplishment of the day.
Day 5 – I’m doing this for myself and my love of my life.
Day 4 – I’m doing this for myself and my love of my life.
Day 3 – I’m doing this for myself and my love of my life.
Day 2 – I’m doing this for myself and my love of my life.
Those are the best reasons Andrew – keep it up. Honored to be quit with you!
Day 188. It has been nice recently. I still struggle after meals and such but I find myself thinking about it less. I’m ready to see 200!!
Day 130+
Day 422
As the holidays approach, you might experience the triggers of dipping. Stay tough! Happy Holidays ladies and gentlemen.
Day 366
I have a dumb question.
I quit on October 22, 2018. One year ago exactly. When i plug in the numbers it says in the calculator up there that I am on day 366?
Shouldn’t it be 365 days?
I checked and February had only 28 days this year.
In any case I’ve been off the NIC this long and working on the second year.
Ya’ll take care.
I woke up one morning with a sore throat (not a cold), could barely swallow or clear my throat. I panicked. Quit cold turkey and scheduled a doctors appointment. Shortly after I had a scope done and my throat was full of scar tissue from dipping and swallowing for 25 years.
It has been 81 days. It absolutely got easier, especially the “routine chews” like after meals, drinking alcohol, etc. I did put a few pounds on as I snacked more, but that pushed me to hit the gym even harder.
I wish I had done it sooner and believe everyone can do it with a little will power and motivation!
I am 39 years old. I started chewing when I was 12. I quit on Jan 8 of 2018 after 27 years of chewing copenhagen, skoal, beechnut, red man…you name it.
I am on day 513 of being quit. Every person is in a unique situation…we all have different reasons we have chewed for, and why we developed an addiction to it.
My reason for quitting? My health. The day I quit I had visited a dentist for the first time in 8 years. He said very simply, with no emotion or care, if you are going to continue to chew snuff my care plan for you is this: I’ll clean your teeth today and pull the two that are rotten from it, then you can come back for another visit in 2-5 years and I will pull the rest and give you dentures….because the way I see it, if you dont care for your teeth neither will I. I quit cold turkey right then and there. and have been quit since. It gets easier. It does. Find your motivation to quit and cling to it….use a picture, or a phrase and tape it up on your bathroom mirror or car mirror or whatever else works…..it can be done, it is possible….and guess what? YOU can do it too….it does not have to be someone else with super will power that you hear about or read about….you have it in you too.
Update: day 702. All is well. have stayed quit….what one man can do, another man can do…i wish you all good luck and hope that your confidence to quit is bolstered knowing it CAN be done.
So awesome, great job.
219 days into my quit and 1971 bucks saved. Hang in there Fellers.
Day 2 of quitting cold turkey. Yesterday was brutal but I was determined to not give up. I do find that I am stronger at some parts of the day and some other parts of the day I am almost looking for some excuse. I am determined to not go back.
Hang in there Corey after the third day, all traces of tobacco will be gone from your body. Then after that get ready for the mind games. One day at a time.
I’m on day 9!! THis Sucks
Day 43 – gets a little better each day. I can better handle stress and don’t get tired as I once used too
I quit on September 19, 2009, coming up on 10 years this year after originally chewing for 21 years. The first year went cold turkey and was awful, but after that no problems ever since. When I see a can or someone chewing, I have no desire anymore. You can do it!!
Chris and Adam, think about the first three days of your quit, if you cave, YOU WILL have to go through it again. We are bigger than this… Now post in here and show them you are as good as them.
Day 122
I’m on day 106 and it’s not any easier. I’m gonna cave like I have in the past. I want a dip now.
Day 125 and the last couple have been rough I want a dip more then anything
Today is the first day of yet another attempt. I hope this group helps me. I am 51 and I started at 15. I doubt it will be easy. I have tried before and made it a week. Then ate two cans for breakfast. Not good. God help me, and you good people.
Day 30 quitting Copenhagen snuff. Started @ age 13, now 41. On average 1.5 cans a day unless crazy day 2 cans. The hardiest part of quitting was the first week. Day three felt like a cloud and urges like a crack addict. After that, very on age. Mints, and big ass bag of dum dum suckers. Now I have gum when working or bored. I do think of dip during certain moments I would usually dip, but pass on with a coffee or gum. Long trips really test you but able to push on with bottle water, gum. You can do it. I believe the first week, the worst!
Day 7. Went on vacation 11 days ago as part of my inability to cope but refusal to chew, I bought cigarettes which I have never found addictive or sustainable because of the smell and the fact that I had to go outside… anyway, smoked on my nightly walks on the beach as part as I contemplated my quit, returned from vacation tobacco free since. Got through some insomnia, night sweats, now having sore throat and lingering mouth sores as if I’m about to get sick. I’m all in on this one – I know from experience, it’s just one little gas station or convenience store moment of weakness so I will never ever buy any tobacco again for any reason. I can buy anything else I want – dee-lux chocolate or fancy drink or sunflower seeds or jerky – I’ll pay any price for anything so long as it’s getting my mind off the chew and avoids me making that purchase. It’s not so darn hard to avoid it it’s just that I have to not buy it, not do it and stay away from it. Good luck to you all and God speed and God bless!! Choose freedom! Choose self control!!!!
Just hit day 7
It’s brutal…. Keep telling myself, nope, we don’t dip anymore
Just like you I was13 when I started and 52 when I quit. I quit on July 4th. You can do it.
I just quit three days ago and I also have chewed Copenhagen since I was 13 and am now 54. Have quit 3 or 4 times before and this time I hope for good. Crazy dreams, insomnia, and night sweats so far and severe anxiety. So for green tea has been the placebo. Hope things worked out for you Robert cuz this ain’t no fun.
50 here. Started when i was 16. Mostly Copenhagen but i’ve dipped just about everything over the years. Have tried to quit probably 10 times. Dec. 2nd 2017 i tried smokey mountain classic and i havnt had tobacco since. My heart rate went down 15 beats per minute once the nicotine was out of my system. That first couple weeks was rough but its all worth it. You’ll feel great when youre through with it. Good Luck.
Same here. I went from an average resting heart rate of 87-88 to in the 70s once the nic was gone.
Day 4 here … been drinking to keep edge off
Careful about replacing one addiction with another.
I am also a former marine. Outside of a few times in high school, I really started chewing after boot camp because everyone else was. I was a teen then and am now 43. Been chewing every since. I also figured up how much I have spent on Copenhagen since this time last year and could have paid cash for a new truck. It’s definitely time to quit. I’m trying to get it in my head that I made it through the Marines, I can make it through not chewing for myself and my family.
I started back in 1991 just after Desert Storm. I worked my way up to 2 cans a day. Thanks to the VA I have been tobacco free for 41 days and I have saved a whopping $418.20. I couldn’t believe the money I wasting away all these years. I feel 100% better, sleeping great a night and not worrying what new lies I had to come up with to make me feel better that I was chewing. I was put on BUPROPION HCL 150MG 12HR SA TAB. I heard a lot of people don’t like it but I gave it a shot and followed my VA doctors advice and I “Killed the Can”! and will never look back. I do go through a lot of sunflower seeds but that’s even coming to an end. MAN DOES IT FEEL GREAT TO BE NORMAL AGAIN!!!
I have been dipping for 4 years now. I have now found myself getting tired of putting one in. It seems like my body is rejecting it so I spit it out and then before you know it; I have another one in. I am blowing money that way. I really want to stop dipping 100%. I have been thinking about how much healthier I can be and make my mouth feel safe.
Also I have a baby on the way, this will be an awesome start to fatherhood being successful on stopping a bad habit.
I need some motivation like everyone says but I really don’t know where to start if everyone I work with dip along side it’s like traditional to dip if you are a male in my family.
Can anyone show me the way to STOP!
Went from dipping a can and a half a day to nothing and has been 7 days.
Been dipping 11 years
Keep kicking butt Nick!
Hello all, am chewing tabacoo from last 10 years, last year decided to quite
almost control 4 months but bigest mistake happen i was taking nicotine gum and got adicted for them
no am dicided to quite and stop nicotine completetly so today is my 3rd day without any single % of nicotine, with me luck
still thinkinng why the fuck i tried this nicotine, its worst than any other drugs
long time dipper (17 years-ish). Im trying to quit by slowly “weening”/transitioning to herbal snuff. Im strategically mixing tobacco (stokers) with Smokey Mountain. I seem to be having success in that I am already at 30% (70% tobacco) and not having any withdrawal issues etc–I started about 2 weeks ago. Keep in mind, I keep a dip in pretty much all day w/ exception of eating and sleeping–and this hasnt changed since I started the “weening”. Has anyone else used this strategy to quit? Thanks for any feedback/replies. Nice site for those of us who are trying to “kick the (tobacco) can”
Hi Bryan – this weeing method (also known as the titration method) certainly can work. But I’ll caution you. Just make sure you actually “complete the ween”. Many people, myself included, start off with the best of intentions and than are never able to pull the trigger when it comes to going 100% nicotine free. And THAT moment, when you’re 100% nicotine free, is when your true recovery can start. You’re off to a tremendous start but make sure you keep your eye on the prize.
If you’re going to continue down the weenning path, I’d suggest you outline some concrete timelines for yourself (IE, every Sunday I’m going to go another 25%). Otherwise, you’re going to find yourself justifying why you can stay at your current level for “just a little while longer”.
hey guys on day 70th … imporvement lots
still getting some small amount of attention but no necotine from 70 day spend
achivement for me is really really awesome, been deeping from 11-12 years
Hi ,where are u frim
day 39. It is aweful I want some so bad. I cant stand it. It feels like day one all over. Yesterday and today are aweful.
Sunflower seeds!!!! Really helped me.
Day 60 Today and having a pretty good day. Still feel foggy and get the urge for a chew. 30+ years and I have found sticking to a routine and getting sleep and exercise help a lot. Really want that 100 day HOF
I’m staying up all night! I’m 21, about to graduate from college, planning my wedding in 9 months, I’m moving to Montana. The last one isn’t that bad, but I’m black so I get a few more looks than I’m used to in Seattle lol. I’ve been chewing for a year and a half and 14 minutes ago marks 24hrs. I’m fucking dying!! Couldn’t of chosen a better time smh she keeps telling me I can do it, but it just pisses me off when she envolves herself.
So how’s the quit going?
Day 1
42 days after cold turkey. Was a 1 to 1.5 cans a day for 33 years. Could not have done it without just stopping , no work just mush thru. Fog is gone. Thought I would get lost in my own house. Working on defeating the weight gain and working my brain to get the last bit of concentration back.
You’re an ass kicker. I was 5 cans a week. Been dipping for 30 years. I am working on day 7 right now. Got some fog. Difficult to stay focused for work. But I quit, and I am done with that crap. No more control over me.
40 Days for me!! 2 cans of Cope Snuff for 25 years. Done, Gone Burried!!!!
Day 10 cold turkey- yesterday was a rough one
Day 18 here…cold turkey….25 years of chewing…staying strong so far
Day 153 here, rarely even think about ut anymore
Day 12 for me. cold turkey after 26 years and 3 cans a day!!
Hey Jason, you in a quit group?
20 days. Cold turkey after 1 to 1-1/2 cans a day. two closest friends chew. haven’t seen them much over the 20 days. still hard some days but I throw in chewing gum or chug a cup of water.
I’m looking for an accountability partner. Preferably someone who has already been going strong after quitting. Someone who I can send a text to if I feel like Im about to cave and is willing to walk me through it. Please leave me a comment if you’d be interested!
http://forum.killthecan.org/ <-- nearly 30,000 accountability partners. We're here to help.
add another, day 65 dip free!
YES! That’s what I love to see. Day by day, they add up!
i have quit a tobaco chewing but after 15 days of quiting tobacco my mouth sore and minor crackes on the entire edge of right side on my tongue last 20 days this type of issue is happen with any one pl. share
You can quit if you really want too. What stopped me was the doctor told me I had pre cancerous lesions on my lip and even if I quit cold turkey I could still develop mouth cancer.
Well that was November 15, 2008 and I am happy to report that I did not develop cancer.
2871 days of freedom
Drive on my friends you can do this.
Day 1805 over here.. just filled up my bottom and top lip, I just couldn’t take it anymore. I was almost to the point of cutting my wrists and inserting tobacco into my blood stream. Stay strong guys. I failed.
Wait… you just caved at day 1,805? You just threw away nearly five YEARS of quit?!??!?
Day 90!!! So damn happy I quit this crap.
Semper Fi brother. Currently kicking the grizzly myself.
Day 1 is complete as I head off to bed and I honestly don’t remember the first day of a quite ever being this bad but I’ve never wanted to quit for just my self as bad as I want to quit now. I’ve chewed for 5 of the 20 years I’ve been on this planet and I’m gonna make it through this quit and kill the can and beat big tobacco. Worst part about it right now is I’m already getting dip rage and I’m thinking I may already be in the fog but it just seems like day one is to early for the fog. Any suggestions?
exercise, it is a great stress reliever go to the gym and lift some weights or go run a mile that will direct your energy else where instead of using it to be angry and feeling frustrated with quitting i know it sucks but it pays off in the end
Day 352
Todd, how you doing with your quit?
I’m on day 35! I have been chewing since I was around 14 and I’m now 39, going threw 1 can a day… It’s been awhile since I have attempted to quit and been sucuseesful. I always told my wife and kids, who begged me all the time to quit, I will quit soon…then a week went by, then a month, and then a year and still never quit. I had quit chewing a couple of years ago, but I quit for everyone but myself, which is way a started chewing again! This time is different, I WANT TO QUIT!!!! It’s embarrassing that I can’t go threw a movie with my family without dipping, or go to my kids baseball or softball game without dipping. This horrific habit has stole my life for 25+ years, and I’m taking them back!
I have recently picked a quite date, it is the day we leave are next port which July 30, I’m a merchant sailor and terrified of the withdrawals and the stress involved with my job. Anyways I want this super bad for my self will keep posting till I get through this.
Let us know how we can help Joey – the forums will be your best resource: http://forum.killthecan.org/ – over 20,000 members that “get it”.
Wow! Today is day 39 fro me since i quit!! Can’t believe it. I have been dipping for almost 28 years! I first started soon after i joined the Marine Corps. You either smoked or dipped to pass time. Guys would even soak their dip in their favorite whisky to give them even more of a buzz,
I find it hard and still think about getting a can or two but as i have said before i have a 3 year old boy who keeps my mind off of it. We do a lot more activities now. Before i use just get on my computer and play games or surf the net looking for a job.
My wife also noticed i spend a lot more quality family time in the living room either conversing or playing with our son. I am grateful for this website to hear others going through the same thing as myself.
I am concerned though because i noticed a small(very small) white bump on my left cheek. Its deep inside where i never kept my chew but i am scared i may have developed something.
Other than that i feel great of being nicotine free and no more a slave to it. I also can’t believe how much money i have saved since i quit. I did a quick estimate of how much i spent weekly, monthly, and year round. I couldn’t believe for the past 28 years i must of spent some where around 84,000 dollars on this shit. I could of used that for a down payment on a house!!!
Keep strong my friends!!! Peace
I am on day 7. I feel a sore spot on my cheek wall as well. I hope to God it is nothing for both of us. I hope it’s just our bodies healing themselves. 30 year chewer here.
Day 202. I dreamed last night that I caved and bought a can. I had just one then I trying to get rid of the van before I had another. I was glad to find it was only a dream. This past few days I have thought about it a lot. We’re selling our home and moving to another state and the stress has just had me wanting one bad. I was really looking forward to day 200 so I was shocked when I got there and the cravings were that bad.