Quit Calculators

Do you have a hard time remembering how long you’ve been quit? Ever wondered how much money you’ve saved since you quit dipping or smoking? Use these calculators and let us keep track for you! Enter your quit date and your usage and we’ll take care of the rest! Keep on quitting!
200 days of no nicotine today. I still crave it several times a day, but I’m doing fine. What a terrible drug nicotine is. Hoping all who read this will get themselves free like me. It’s not fun, it’s not glamorous, it’s not sentimental, and it’s not exciting. It’s raw, it hurts and it’s downright boring and anticlimactic. But it is most definitely worth it!
Congratulations on 200 days of freedom John! Amazing accomplishment!
4750 Days Free…that’s 13 years today! One Day At A Time, keep going.
BRAVO MY FRIEND! Congrats on 13 years of freedom – it’s an honor to be quit with you!
100 days of freedom today! I still don’t feel free because I still have cravings every day, but I know I am free. Free from allowing that poison to constrict my blood vessels and sending my heart rate 20 beats per minute higher than than normal and shooting my blood pressure up to a dangerous level several times per day.
I’m at 76 days after using On! pouches for the the last 4 years or so. Before that, snus pouches and before that Skoal Bandits and before that Kodiak and Copenhagen and Skoal. I still have strong cravings every day but I’m now sleeping better. I had panic attacks (never ever had them before) and sleeplessness the first month. The panic attacks went away, but the sleeplessness continued well into the second month. I have basically had every symptom listed on this site, including being bored with my quit. It’s not fun. It doesn’t make you feel better. There’s nothing glamorous about it. You just have to do it for you and no one else. I have a challenge for everyone who still uses this poison. Get yourself a blood pressure monitor if you don’t have one and check your BP an hour so after your last poisoning. Mark it down and then check it after you have had the poison entering your body for 10 minutes or so. You’ll likely see that your BP is really high – like 140+/90+. This poison wreaks havoc on your cardiovascular system by increasing your BP and your heart rate at the same time. It caused a severe aneurysm in my ascending aorta. I am being monitored and if/when the aneurysm gets to be just .2 CM bigger I’ll have to go in for open heart surgery to get it repaired – that is if it doesn’t burst and kill me in the mean time. Just another reason to quit.
Congrats on 76 days of freedom John! Glad to see that you’re tracking your BP – you’re right on there… nicotine is nothing but a POISON! Even though you’re well on your way, if you haven’t yet, I’d urge you to join our Discord server at http://www.killthecan.org/discord – we’ve got thousands of people just like you, quitting one day at a time! It’s the best place on the web for questions, accountability and comradery from people who know what you’re going through. Hope to see you there!
Thanks, Chewie! I’m get an error that says ‘unable to accept invite’ when I click on the discord link.
Hmm… give this a try: https://discord.gg/PrextYzh
Hmm… shoot me an email.. let’s see if we can’t get this figured out. Chewie(at)KillTheCan.org
Thanks, Chewy. I’m good. Thank you for all you do at this site. You are an amazing blessing to many.
3,001 days quit. I asked at the local convenience store today and a can of Skoal Long Cut wintergreen is $8.27 with tax. $60 a week if I had not quit over eight years ago.
Hi dear friends,
I’m Mr Yogendra from India and I have been chewing tobacco for more than 20 years. I tried a number of times, but couldn’t.
A friend of mine suggested me to join the KTC, as he has been a quitter for about four years.
I also want to be a quitter. Kindly, help me.
Lots of love 💕 and hugs 🤗 to you.
Thank you.
You’re more than welcome to quit with us – congrats on a great decision! Glad to have you!
Yogendra, Am Ram from India. Once of the benefitted persons joined with KTC. I quitted on 23/12/2021 and now its 2 years over. And we are aware how bad eating Pan/gutkha/120/420 etc. Its great to leave it permanently before it takes you to hell. Am fully refreshed now and advising people to quit. YOU CAN BUDDY. Please read all messages in KTC so many information regarding quitting process, how you feel and its exactly matching.. The recovery process is tough but beleive me doable. Keep it up my friend.
I am on day 13 of my second time around quitting. I have not struggled really with the nicotine part. The issue I have is with wanting a pinch to not eat what ever I see. The Alternatives really don’t do much for me. I have tried Baccoff, Smokey MTN, Hooch, White Tail, and several others. The taste on all of them is not good and neither is the texture. I know there is no perfect solution, but I was wondering if anyone had other options. I read the Outlaw review here, but I am unsure if it will be any different from the above mentions. I plan on staying quit this go around! No excuses no backing down I just don’t want it gain 50 lbs doing it
i am 225 days into my quit. I still have symptoms from time to time. Dizziness or chest pains here and there and fog. Has anyone had symptoms this far into the quit?
Yes… believe it or not it’s not uncommon to ‘struggle’ even several hundred days into your quit. I always tell people to ‘go back to basics’ and do the things you did early in your quit. Pound water, get involved on our Discord server and forums. Take it one day at a time.
Your good bro I’m coming up on a year and yeah that stuff still pokes it’s head out now and then
1,743 days ago I made the decision to quit dipping after nearly 20 years. It was the MOST DIFFICULT thing I had ever done to that point and the lessons have lead me to a whole new outlook on life. The first 9 months I would sit in the shower everyday wondering if I would ever not think about DIP? One day it eventually happened and I cannot tell when that day occurred.
I started running to get over the cravings. At 250 pounds I didn’t run far at first but I would run numerous times a day. It took 7 months to lose any weight and by that time I was running nearly a 5K/day.
Since that point I have thrown myself into becoming the best Father and Husband I could be to my family. Switched careers in the middle of the quit and although it was a struggle it was the best thing for me. I took up ultra running and endurance events. Overcoming my tobacco addiction is something I refer back to often when things get hard in my life and I press on.
My life today looks totally different because I was able to overcome this terrible addiction. My faith and communities like this one provided so much support and were crucial in my quit. The endurance world is full of addicts like all of us that overcame their vices to become the people that God lead them to be.
My advice is this – Decide to Quit and be sure you know why you are doing it. You will be tested over and over and over again so be sure your why is big.
You won’t find me on quit groups because I never believed I could actually do it. It scared me to put myself out there and be labeled a failure. I read through comments constantly but never committed. Don’t be like me. Join a quit group.
A good friend says Your Army determines your Apex. Find your quit army and allow those people to lift you to heights you could never imagine.
i am 147 days into my quit and my main symptom throughout this quit was mostly dizzy spells with anxiety and it was really bad. As of a week ago those symptom seemed to have calmed down but now i am getting chest pains. Has anyone had that this far into your quit?
I had MASSIVE chest pains during my quit… for me it was due to acid reflux.
Hey guys I’ve been quiet for 2 years and 4 months . Would not be here today with our Jesus help to quit . I have times we’re I get dizzy just wondering if any ex dippers out there have the same ? I will say I’m glad to be quit and any of you out there that’s new to quitting it’s hard and you will feel weird for serveral months if you are like I was . But it gets easier and easier as time passes . I can’t stand to see it in. Coke bottle any more it’s disgusting lol plus you save a ton of money I dipped for 12 years a can a day I literally could have bought a nice bass boat for what I wasted dip on.
Hey Michael – congrats on 2+ years of freedom! To answer your question, yes dizzy spells from time to time, even well into your quit, are pretty typical. I’m honestly not sure what they are, nor do I know if they’re really connected to your quit. My personal opinion is that we were hopped up on nicotine for so long that we didn’t notice those dizzy spells that were always there.
Hey bud i know all about them. i am 147 days into my second quit. I quit back 3-4 years ago and had daily dizzy spells for 6 months then they vanished. My dumb ass started using vape and zyn again 1 year ago and i am currently about 5 months into my quit and i have the dizzy spells again everyday and i am hoping they go away soon as they cause anxiety. its like a lightheaded waving dizzy feeling and its hard to explain but it can cascade into panix attacks or anxiety attacks. i just need them to end. I dont know why we get them but i read on here some guy said its just the brain rewiring itself and the nicotine receptors dying off all while your blood pressure probably leveling out and your brain getting more oxygen. All i know is that they arent fun and last months. How long did your dizzy spells last?
81 days today removed from 2 can per day habit. I never thought I’d make it to this point. I used to tell myself “chew is what I do” and part of my identity. The thought still pops up from time to time but easy to disregard. Keep going it’s worth it.
6 days without feeling more of the everyone is on my nerves 😔
Keep pushing through – things should get slightly better in the next week or so. CHUG water like it’s your job to flush your system!
I haven’t posted on here in a while but I’ve been quit for 4207 grateful days. To all of you just beginning IT IS ALL WORTH IT. Those cravings will pass. Those mind games will pass. You will be more proud of yourself than you can imagine. Don’t give up!!!!!!!
Congrats on 4,200+ days of freedom! Honored to walk this path with you!
I am somewhere in the 2-3 month phase of this quit. I have parts of the day where i feel normal then i have parts of the day where i am so dizzy and hazy i feel like i could fall over and sometimes it triggers anxiety attacks. I know this will fade with time. I have xanas that i take only when needed and it really helps with the dizzy and anxiety. Exercise really helps and sometimes a glass of red wine really calms down the dizzy and anxiety.
Keep fighting David! You’re in that stage of your quit commonly known as ‘the funk’ https://www.killthecan.org/explaining-the-funk-part-1/
I hear you on the dizzy spells… no idea WHY but I can tell you from personal experience it happens and it’s BRUTAL. Keep pushing forward!
so if you quit for lets say a month then have one night out where you use nicotine, can that use that one night restart the whole withdraw symptoms?
Yes it can. https://www.killthecan.org/additional-resources/the-law-of-addiction/
Won’t happen for everyone, but you’d be shocked at just how quickly that addiction can re-establish itself.
Well today is the day quit… don’t know how I feel about it yet but we will see
B R A V O !!!
Congrats on a great decision – join us on our Discord server – you’re not alone! http://www.killthecan.org/discord
I started back in 1978 (age 12). Cope, skoal, beechnut, redman etc… switched to Kodiak in 1983? Never quit before. Average about a can every other day. Quit about 11 days ago during Michigan/OSU game.
Lots of snacks… have helped I think. Still irritable. Mind goes about 1000 thoughts a minute, but I WILL be Quit.
Congrats on a great start to your quit! 11 days is AWESOME! Get hooked into our Discord community – you’ll get a TON of support / accountability. https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
Good job I just hit 956 days today
On Day 7… also on Day 7 of getting over the Flu. I didn’t feel like dipping for the first few days I had the Flu because I felt so bad. I figured something good could come out of it and since I already had 2 days with no dip I should take the opportunity to make the move. So, I’m feeling pretty rough now, on the tail end of an aggressive Flu strain, and going through the withdrawals of nicotine. Any words of wisdom or support out there?
First of all… congrats on a WEEK of freedom! Truly an amazing accomplishment regardless of how / why you got there. Hope you’re feeling better flu wise. GET INTO OUR DISCORD SERVER. There you’ll find more answers to question FROM PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT YOURE DEALING WITH cause we’re all quitters. https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
You are NOT alone!
I am at 111 days today! I have quit before but I went back and it was largely a boredom thing like outlined in the “What to expect” section.
For those trying to quit, I switched to ON! Nicotine pouches. They have several different milligrams of Nicotine. Started with 8, worked down to 2 and then nothing! It REALLY helped me going about it that way. I don’t really think about it at all anymore except when I remember I quit!
No dip for over 3 years now. Tried to quit for 20 years with no success. Tried everything and nothing would work. One day just went cold turkey it was the best decision. Only craving now is posting this and thinking about everyone that needs help. Will never go back. Kill that can!!!
Congratulations Bill!
Day 2476 saved close to 10k. Don’t even think about it anymore
651 days. Still think about dip every once in a while. Get the urge to just have one occasionally. Got to stay strong, not interested in starting over. It has never been as easy as it is now to keep going. Starting over is harder. If you are reading this, don’t cave. Keep going, if I can do it you can too! I come back to this calculator page for motivation and see how long it has been, and how long it has been for some others here. The days go by much faster once you are past 100 or 200. I still remember those first 3 days, when every minute seemed like an eternity. If that is where you are at now, it will pass if you keep going. Your brain needs to rewire itself. Don’t give up.
Tomorrow will be 100 days!!
Congratulations Hall of Famer!!!
333 days
Way to go Tony! Coming up on a YEAR of freedom. How you feeling?
2194 days QLAMF
228 days quit and still have days where I really want to give in. But holding strong.
Keep it going Tony! You got this!
Day 2150
Day 6 – better not great but much better than day 1, noticed increased amounts of energy
You haven’t posted in a while you still going strong?
Day 5 – much better – medication prescribed helped alot. Gabapentin and Tylenol helped reduce anxiety.
Glad to hear you’re having some better days – keep it up!
Day 4 – made it through the 1st 3 days which were hell on Earth.
Day 3 – sucks but it’s worth it. Seeing the cancer pictures scares the shit out of me
Keep pushing forward Andrew! You got this! Have you joined our Discord server yet?
What’s discord?
Discord is our chat / support platform. Free to join… tons of folks there to interact with. Great mobile app. https://www.killthecan.org/discord/
Day 2123. I quit with all of you today.
2667 days free.
Congratulations! That’s a HUGE quit you’ve got going there!
Day 2086. Saved over $19,700.
I’m one week clean today and I’ve saved myself $60 ! I think I’m going to take myself out for a nice dinner and use that money to celebrate a really tough week but a step in the right direction.
Congrats Tommy! That’s a GREAT idea! Celebrate those little victories!
Only quit 57 days ago, but I quit cold turkey. Put that last dip in, woke up the next day and haven’t looked back. And I chewed for almost 20 years. In that 20 years, there were other quit attempts, but none ever lasted this long. I’m picking up some JMC to help with the weight gain that has accompanied quitting. Only 18 lbs so far and seems to have leveled off, but I think this will be a nice companion to my diet. Anyone reading this who’s trying to quit, being free of that leash is great! I’ve been sleeping better and everything.
just remember, you only truly quit once. ODAAT 2855
2434 days of lip sh!t freedom! I can’t believe it’s been this long. All because my son bugged me enough and told me he was embarrassed by me. That was the final inspiration I needed, and now, honestly, I don’t miss it one bit. I think of all the gross spit bottles laying around, accidentally spitting in my beer, the RAW inner lip and gum, brown teeth and the occasional “accidental ingestion”, GAG!!!
By the way guys, I’ll tell ya, women don’t think this is ok. They’re grossed out by it.
226 days in. Still not easy, but everyday is easier. There is even a day occasionally where I may not think about dip the whole day. You can do it if I can. Saved $563.87 so far, not counting all the gas on wasted trips to the gas station for more worm dirt.
PublicStaticVoid. Good name. keep up the good work.
So my quit is only 120+ days but at roughly 1.5 Tins a day I’m already looking at more than $1200 in savings and an annualized savings of more than $3,000
That… is… AWESOME! Keep quit and watch those numbers SKYROCKET!
1887 days quit and $17 grand saved just in cope…let alone what it would have cost my health. Keep it up ODAAT
Guys, You can do it. Check out my stats below. Don’t waste any more of your precious time or $$$.
How long have you been quit?
3963 Days Free
How much have you saved?
$17833.50 Saved
Ditch the Bitch 2020!!!
That… is… HUGE. Congrats!
1801 today. Cope is such a distant memory…the life thankfully in the far past. Son has a significant tumor removal surgery in his spinal cord next week. Not a chance the worm dirt would ever be a part again. Your freedom is worth it. Stay the course.
I”ve smoked or chewed or both since I was 16. I just turned 41. 25 years of damaging my health and potentially my future; not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars I pissed away. I’ve been chewing regularly for about 15 years. I’ve had many quits over the last 5 years. But this year with COVID and everything else, I am determined to make this my last quit. I’ve hit 100 days once before, and I am on track this time. I am 58 days in, having quit on Independence Day 2020. I will never forget my quit day, the day I became independent from chew, July 4th! Good luck to everyone else out there who knows the struggle.
Congrats BC – HUGE start! Keep up the great work!
I’m on day 2 and feel like I’m in a dreamy haze.
It is like you are on another planet. It will be getting better in a couple of days. Stay with the quit…
Just finishing of day 3, would be 8 but i caved on day 4 last week
Sent you a pm. Multiple people have reached out to you. Where did you go?
16 days and counting.. Yesterday was bad but
I fought through it.. This has been and still is a horrible experience. One which I will remind my self of when ever I have an urge to dip.. Nicotine should be outlawed.
Hang in there bro, this too shall pass.
I ate 8 vegan burgers yesterday and drank God knows how many cups of coffee yesterday. I still feel bloated today but at least it lessens the urge to dip.
Thank Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, Thor, Shiva and all the other deities out there.
F**k nicotine, I will get through this.
How’s it going? Did you make it to one year yet?
It’s been 463 days. For about the last week, thoughts of starting again are creeping back in and I’m not sure what to try. I did this cold turkey but these cravings are getting bad. I’ve read a few of the reviews of some alternatives but I’m looking for a Copenhagen alternative that can me
past this.
Closest thing I could find is Smokey Mountain Classic but the cayenne powder is more than I can handle. I ended up using Baccoff wintergreen and apple pouches. Hope this helps but dude don’t cave its not worth it.
Day 521 for me Travis and the thought of dipping doesn’t seem to go away. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get past it.
Day 265 for me and the first month was tough to be honest. I wasn’t a big chewer during the day but my escape from life was chewing downstairs watching sports or gaming. Had to change my relation to all of that. I still find cravings every once in a while but I will say it has come on more as of late. With fall approaching and more indoor time, i sued to watch a lot of football/hockey and play video games in my man cave and chew. I feel that itch as this season rolls around.I bought some Smokey Mountain which isn’t the same but gives me a certain sensation but not everything I remember. I will say since I cold turkey’d it, i find that I drink more each night where before I replaced drinking with chewing. Anyone else have that problem?
Brandon – the short answer is ‘yes’ there are DEFINITELY others that find they’ve replaced dip with alcohol. In fact, you’ll find the site and HOF speeches LITTERED with references to alcohol: https://www.killthecan.org/tag/alcohol/
We oftentimes tell folks to lay off the sauce early in their quit for just this reason.
Bottom line… we are addicts. We have addictive personalities and tend to go ‘all in’ on stuff. If one thing is taken away we tend to try and fill that void with something else be it booze, food, etc. (for me it was food but booze / beer was a close second).
Recognizing it is the first step. Fake dip, even at 265+ days in, is a GREAT tool to help keep that beast at bay. It’s a tool at your disposal… USE IT.
I have the same problem. Every time I try to quit I always feels like I must replace dipping with an alternative which many times is alcohol.
No doubt, I am on day 276. I think about dipping every day all day. I gave up my wonderful vice for my 3 boys. I dipped for 25 years and it was amazing. It’s now time to let it go. It’s awful, shitty, terrible to give it up. But the monster is not as aggressive as before. The fucker shows up whenever. Just be prepared to knock it down
Dad of three boys here as well – congrats on 276 days of freedom Kyle! Honored to be quit with you today!
Bought several tobacco free/nicotine free pouches that got me through. Thanks for the help folks.
97 days free everyone thank you for the help
Bravo! Congrats William!
Day 82 guys!
Cheers! 🙂