Quit Calculators

Do you have a hard time remembering how long you’ve been quit? Ever wondered how much money you’ve saved since you quit dipping or smoking? Use these calculators and let us keep track for you! Enter your quit date and your usage and we’ll take care of the rest! Keep on quitting!
Left on 23rd Dec 2021. Over 4 years now free of nicotine.. No more cravings. InFACT Aversion started looking at it
Congrats on 4+ years of freedom!
Wow, I just dropped in, and I’m 5272 days free today. This site was such a tremendous help when I quit cold turkey. I still have not had a touch of snuff. Over $20,000+ I didn’t spend on the dip!
That’s awesome Ryan! Congrats on a MASSIVE quit! Honored to be quit with you – thanks for stopping by!
300 days free from nicotine today. Feeling great but cravings still come a few times a day. They remind me that I left that horrible habit and will never go back whether it be cigs, chew, snuff or nic pouches – NO WAY!
Congrats on 300 days of freedom!
46 days cold turkey, lots and lots and lots of gum has been the only way I got through it. Especially the first 3-4 weeks. Feeling much better than before chewing and plan on keeping it up!
Congrats on 46 days of freedom! You’re off to an awesome start!
Have you joined our Discord server yet?
I am 45 days in cold turkey and still having cravings from time to time. Quit alcohol 80+ days ago. Learning to live without the vices has been proving quite difficult in social situations and some of the other triggers I have are just as vexing. I feel better than I have in a long time though.
Congrats on 45 days of freedom! Amazing accomplishment. Check out this timeline for what to expect moving forward: https://www.killthecan.org/your-quit/what-to-expect-when-you-quit-dipping/
Also, have you joined our Discord server? https://www.killthecan.org/discord/ <-- thousands of quitters just like you dealing with our addiction one day at a time!