Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches Review

Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches FeatureBack today with another product review of a NEW entry into the world of smokeless tobacco alternatives. Introducing Cannadips CBD! If you’re a quitter who likes to use alternative products it’s a GREAT time to be a quitter as there are some simply OUTSTANDING products coming to the market and there really is something for everyone, including CBD Gummies which have been a fan favorite in the industry for the past six years.

According to their website the folks at Cannadips are, “On a mission to make a great-tasting, superior alternative to traditional dip using CBD in a way that is radical, enjoyable and effective while also being tobacco and nicotine free.” I’m thrilled to say that I think they’ve succeed greatly in that mission.

As these products contain CBD I’ll include some standard language that I’ve used in previous CBD reviews:

I’m not a pot guy and have never been a pot guy. That being said, if you are anti-pot or anti-CBD please… do NOT let those feelings taint these products for you. Please give this a read and then make your assessment. I’m reviewing these products as a SMOKELESS ALTERNATIVE… nothing more. As we begin to understand the power of CBD there’s some really great products hitting the market such as from CBD Pure, and I’d hate for to you miss out.

Cannadips Initial Thoughts

These come in a round, high quality tin can. They almost remind me of the cans of shoe polish my dad used when I was a kid. Each tin contains 15 CBD infused pouches. The tins themselves contain a TON of information and even have a peel off sticker to give you even MORE information about the product. The sticker was a bit difficult for a guy like me who bites his fingernails but that’s my issue 😉

Cannadips Label

I’m also ultra impressed by the QR code on the back that when you scan it takes you to your website to give you info about the specific TIN you’ve got in your hand. These guys have gone ALL IN to ensure the quality of their product and it shows. I was a little bummed not to see the BEST BY date printed on the can, but I did get a MANUFACTURE DATE when I clicked through using the QR code. I can only assume this is so they can keep their printing costs down on their cans – a fair trade off.

Cannadips QR Code 2

The pouches themselves are small, dry pouches that, as I said, come 15 to a tin. These are meant to be dry to don’t freak out when you’re looking for a moist pouch. The pouch material is nice and soft and doesn’t cause any gum irritation. They produce a decent amount of saliva if you want to spit though you absolutely don’t need to. The flavors here aren’t super overpowering but offer nice subtle flavors that last a good while.

Each tin contains 150mg of water dispersible CBD. 10mg per pouch. In other words, you can put these pouches in water and drink it.

Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches

As always I’ll be posting these in the order I tried them. Naturally when it comes to flavor profiles these are very subjective. Keep in mind that I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy for the majority of my dipping days.

Cannadips Wintergreen CBD Pouches

Since I was a wintergreen guy I always try to start here. This is a nice, muted flavor that lasts for quite a long while. It’s more ‘minty’ than Kodiak Wintergreen but not as ‘sweet’ as Wintergreen Hawken.

Cannadips Natural Mint CBD Pouches

This was a very nice dip. Again more of a traditional mint flavor. This has that ‘after dinner’ mint flavor with a real hint of ‘breath mint’ or Binacana flavors. This wouldn’t be my favorite for an every day chew but would be AWESOME at the end of the night (or when you’re going in for a smooch 😉 )

Cannadips American Spice CBD Pouches

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect based on the name here but this is my favorite so far. It’s got some Cinnamon Altoids overtones here but I’ll use the word again – muted. In this case that’s a very good thing as Altoids can be a bit overpowering to me. These have a ‘sweetness’ to them that makes them really enjoyable.

Cannadips Tangy Citrus CBD Pouches

As I continued sampling they just keep getting better. This has a great citrus flavor that’s not bitter in the slightest. This reminds me of a Snapple flavor that I used to have back in day that I can’t for the life of me remember the name of. Believe me when I tell you this is really good.

Cannadips Tropical Mango CBD Pouches

This was a great way to finish. I’m not sure if I’d put this or the Tangy Citrus at the top of my personal list but I think I may go with this one. It’s more ‘fruity’ than the citrus flavor which makes sense. If you’re a flavored dip guy (or gal) you’ll love this one.

Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches are available on their website at These are outstanding products that have a nice soft pouch and subtle flavors that I could see leaving in all day. No need to spit and when you factor in the calming properties of CBD these are a real winner.

Of the five flavors reviewed I think I’d rank them with Tropical Mango at the top followed by Tangy Citrus, American Spice, Wintergreen and Natural Mint but again, taste is 100% subjective due to personal preference. My thoughts above are based around how these products can be used by QUITTERS looking for an alternative. I’m not well versed enough to speak to the medical properties / benefits of CBD (though I can tell you I’m beginning to educate myself and I’m liking what I’m finding)

Special thanks to the folks at Cannadips for providing me samples to try and review. You can also find them on social at Facebook, Twitter @cannadipscbd or Instagram. Give them a like and a follow and tell em sent you!

Disclaimer: In accordance with FTC Guidelines, we hereby inform this site’s viewers that we occasionally receive products for review purposes. At no time has payment has been made in order to elicit positive reviews. Affiliate links may be present in the above content. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

Have you tried Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches?  Leave us a comment with your thoughts below!

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Robert R
Robert R
9 months ago

I have dipped camel snus mellow for years. Is there any flavor that is like that?


[…] to soar to $23.6 billion by 2025, it’s not surprising that innovative products like Cannadips cbd infused pouches are capturing consumer interest. These discreet, smokeless pouches offer a unique way to consume […]

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