Words of Wisdom

Casualties – Choice Is Yours

Wall of Tobacco

Imagine three jumbo jets filled to capacity crashing in the United States every single day, 365 days a year, killing everyone on board. Horrific to think about, but this example represents the number of precious lives lost to tobacco day in and day out in the United States alone. No other product on the market today would be allowed to have this mortality rate and still be sold. Tobacco use still tops the list as the most preventable cause of death in the United States today, accounting for 438,000+ deaths annually.

Estimates from the Centers for Disease Control tell us that 20.8% of the U.S. adult population, or 45.3 million people, currently use tobacco. Why given numbers of deaths as dramatic as these would anyone allow this toxic substance into their bodies? The simple answer to that is addiction! Nicotine is highly addictive; sometimes referred to as the perfect drug of addiction. Many of us were hooked the first time we used. If you think you are not addicted think again.

Statistics show that only small percentages (approximately 5-7%) of people who try to quit nicotine without support are still tobacco free a year later. However, those with a quit program in place that includes education about nicotine addiction and a solid support group, do much better.

Good news is you have found the place to finally cast aside the chains of addiction and gain control of your life. Question is will you use the tools offered here? Will you fight and beat this addiction? Or will you allow big tobacco and Nicotine to rob you of the most important thing you own… your life.

Choice is yours…

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member 30yrAddict

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