Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

CBD Plus Herbal Pouches Review

CBD Plus Herbal Pouches FeatureBack this morning with a review of a brand new product in the smokeless alternative landscape: CBD Plus Herbal Pouches. You can find them at In case you’re not familiar, CBD is sweeping the nation now and finding its way into all sorts of products like honey sticks, gummies, creams / lotions, pet foods and snacks… CBD stands for cannabinoids.  They have all the benefits of marijuana WITHOUT the HIGH. CBD has been studied and has shown positive affects for PTSD, anxiety, depression, joint pain, sleep, diabetes, etc.

CBDPlus is made with pure CBD isolate which has ZERO THC. Here’s the description directly from their marketing material:

CBD Plus herbal CBD pouches are a healthy smokeless alternative. Discreet, with long lasting flavor, CBD Plus pouches are tobacco-free, nicotine-free, contain zero THC and are packed with herbs and vitamins. 

CBD Plus Herbal Pouches Review

I have to start off by saying this. I’m not a pot guy. Have never been a pot guy and most likely will never be a pot guy. If you’ve got misgivings about cannabis don’t let them taint this product for you. These are very similar to Teaza Cool Mint non-caffeine pouches but have 25mg of CBD per pouch. There is no “tea” flavor that I get with some of their previous flavors and they produces a ton of spit. That said, you don’t need to, nor will you really want to, swallow. These taste awesome! As I get further and further along in my quit (13 years as I write this), I love the fact that I can swallow the spit if I want to. These are really refreshing and while I wouldn’t say they’re part of the “traditional” dip flavors I think it’s fair to say that these will be great for someone who’s recently quit. I kept mine in for a good 20 – 30 minutes so you’re getting a good long chew from these.

Overall this is a GREAT pouch that I’d definitely recommend.

CBD Plus Herbal Pouches Ingredients


CBD Plus Herbal pouches are available at now. They come in pucks / cans of 10 pouches for $24.95 which is pricey for a dip alternative but right in line for CBD products based on my limted research.

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Have you tried CBD Plus Herbal Pouches?  Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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Brian P Olson
Brian P Olson
3 years ago

Really wish we could explore more products like this as an alternative. Would love to see more CBD Smokeless Tobacco alternatives, Delta-8THC

4 years ago

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, not Cannabinoids. These are way overpriced, I can get the CannaDip’s for $2.50 at my local gas station.

Dave Edwards
Dave Edwards
3 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

So, what is the oil supposed to do?

Mad Dipper
Mad Dipper
3 years ago
Reply to  Patrick

Circle K Gas Station has CannaDip

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