
Children Exposed To Tobacco Smoke At Increased Risk For COPD

Children Exposed To Tobacco Smoke At Increased Risk For COPD

Passive smoking (second hand smoke) can jump start Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) among children. COPD is any disorder that restricts or obstructs bronchial airflow. In the case of COPD, the block is permanent and worsens over time.

Research suggests two ways of how COPD begins. “First is the common fast decline trajectory, where the function declines the normal level and the alternate trajectory where there is a suboptimal development of lung capacity among younger population. This suggests that the maximum capacity of lung function during childhood and adulthood is a major factor in determining risk of COPD.”

The full study can be found at the New England Journal of Medicine.

Photo credit ZME Science

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Kortne Altinga
Kortne Altinga
7 years ago

I have had emphysema for about five years. I was on oxygen during the day but not at night. I could go about two hours without the oxygen, and then I need it. I had a converter in the house and oxygen tanks for when I go shopping, etc. I am 64 years old and in relatively good health. The doctor said it was caused by a combination of smoking, dust here in Vegas, and 30 years of smog in California. I believed I will always need the oxygen to breathe. I quit smoking 15 years ago. But the damage has been done. January 2017 my pulmonologist and I decided to go with natural treatment and was introduced to Green House Herbal Clinic natural organic Emphysema Herbal formula, i had a total decline of symptoms with this Emphysema Herbal formula treatment.

Becky Glass
8 years ago

I was diagnosed of Parkinson’s disease following a neurological examination and other series of tests, my symptoms first appeared in February 2014 tremor in both limbs, rigid muscle, impaired posture.. all medication prescribed were not working and i sadly took off from my job, being a single mother with two kids it was almost a hopeless situation. In September 2016, i read about Health herbal clinic in a health forum, this herbal clinic have successful parkinson’s disease herbal treatment and treatment for other list of terminal diseases, i contacted the herbal clinic via their website and purchased the parkinson’s disease herbal remedy. I received the parkinson’s disease herbal remedy via courier and immediately commenced usage. I used the remedy for 5 weeks, all my symptoms including tremor gradually dissapeared till i almost forgot i had the disease, i have started working again, thanks to Health herbal clinic. or email healthherbalclinicgmailcom Parkinson’s disease is not a death sentence, don’t die believing there is no cure, its a final breakthrough for all living with parkinson’s disease

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