Words of Wisdom

Consider This – How to Quit Dipping

Things To Consider Feature

Some things to take into account:

– This place didn’t search for you or anyone here…most of us searched how to quit dipping and found this as a result
– This place didn’t make you or force you to sign up… we all clicked some buttons and chose to sign up and join the forum
– This place has an open door of which you can walk through freely and walk away from freely…no one is making you come here to post up to quit each day…that is a choice we all make on our own – but if you choose to come here and post up, then do it when you wake up and every day!

– This place has lots of history and a very simple method of posting one day at a time each morning…not much else…if seasoned quitters want to help others out and see they aren’t posting one day at a time or posting a status update at night…they see right through that person because they are/were that person and they know addict behavior…this place is an accountability site – therefore you have the accountability you signed up for calling out addict speak/behavior

– Not one of us is the CEO, president, #1, all encompassing best quitter there ever is/was/will be…we all have the same goal each day – quit nicotine for the day…the rest is stuff.  We all can fail in an instant when we let our guard down…I could walk by a store over lunch right now and ingest nicotine as it is everywhere and it’s easy.  I need a place like this to keep me whole and keep me on guard.

– We are all human…we are also ALL ADDICTS and whether you have 5 days or 500…you are still an addict and nicotine will lurk to win at any given moment.  Therefore we guard our quits along with guarding others quits every single day.

– I guarantee myself to be quit one day at a time when I post up each morning as I have done so for the past 1499 days (in a row never missing a day)…I’m quit…this works…it’s a success…and I know my addict mind could be influenced at any moment so posting my promise reminds me that I will be quit for today and finish the race for the day.

– Each day I start the race to be quit by posting my promise in the morning…I finish my race when I hit the pillow that night…I’ve won the battle against nicotine for the day and tomorrow I’ll do it again.

So – the question is why question how things are done here when there is success?  It isn’t 100% but this place isn’t designed to help all 100% of the people trying to quit.  It helps quite a few because it works…but coming in here and pouting about ‘your way’ and ‘your method’ and ‘your dislike’ and ‘your <insert stupid reason>’ is all addict speak.

Surrender…buy in.  Stop challenging the method because you won’t win.  Not because people are being meanies…but because it is your ‘addict persona’ that is in charge at the time you challenge the way it is here.  Just surrender…say yes…get on board and do it.  Don’t like surrendering control?  That is another issue…but if you want to quit…easy solution…buy into the method and just keep doing it each day each morning.  It works…many can attest.  Why are you challenging others who have been here for years helping others quit?

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member Palpatine

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