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Arthur Wasem
Arthur Wasem
7 months ago

I’m excited to share my new short film that explores the power of faith in quitting smoking and vaping. It’s a message of hope and encouragement for anyone facing this struggle. I believe this film can inspire and support your patients on their journey to a healthier life.
Tailored for the ones that nothing else seems to have worked for.
Let me know what you think!

2 years ago

Been trying to connect with this site for a week now. Having a rough go on this quit and could use some help but not getting any response from anyone.

2 years ago

I was banned years ago. It was hilarious. Never looked back and still quit.

2 years ago

I’m a returning quitter who can’t remember their password from years ago. I requested reset but never received an email. Email is EMAIL REMOVED

3 years ago

Need help – forgot password. Tried to request reset but never get any mail to reset.

3 years ago

I migrated from tobacco to nicotine pouches (I know, silly) and now have moved to nicotine free pouches (yay). I love having a pouch in, but my problem is that I want it to be almost not noticeable. Zyn pouch size was great for this. The teaza pouches definitely are not.

Do you have any suggestions for a smaller, but flavor packed option?

A good addition to the website might be a pouch comparison listing.

Stan Callis
Stan Callis
4 years ago

I’m trying to quit chewing Redman. I’m looking for a nicotine pouch that does not have artificial sweetners. Artificial sweetners give me headache.

Any suggestions?

Thanks Everyone,


4 years ago
Reply to  Stan Callis

I always felt Grape Smokey Mountain tasted a lot like Redman, I think they come in pouches, NO NICOTINE, not sure on the sweetener

Colin Nichols
Colin Nichols
6 years ago

Been clean for about a year but just relapsed and had a dip of Copenhagen. Been chewing the Costco nicotine gum since then and it has really worked. But since I’ve just taken a real dip I realized I just like the taste over anything. Are there any non tobacco products that have the same taste as Copenhagen? P

4 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Any non tobacco alternatives that taste similar to Skoal Classic Mint Pouches? I’m currently using Baccoff Classic Mint, but am curious if there are any products closer in pouch size and flavor. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

4 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

I appreciate the swift response! I am weaning off the full size Skoal pouches. Bandits are the smaller pouches (never tried them). I found the Baccoff pouch size too small and the flavor was not my forte. I understand nothing will be 100 percent spot on, but I will definitely give Hooch and Triumph a try!

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

5 years ago
Reply to  Colin Nichols

I like the Smokey Mountain Straight and/or Classic.

Ricky Cooper
Ricky Cooper
6 years ago

Day three after 2cans a day and 55 years tongue lips and lower jaw have a numb feeling. Has any one else had these feelings. Thanks R cooper

6 years ago
Reply to  Ricky Cooper

Hey there everyone, My boyfriend has decided to quit Chewing. He is on day 5!!! He has been chewing for about 15 years, about a can a day I would say. I am so proud of him and want to be as supportive as possible through this. I know it is rough.. I can see it. I work for my local Public Health in the Tobacco reduction program and I have never been a user of nicotine besides the occupational Hookah in High school.. so I don’t know what hes really going through so I wanted to reach out to you all and ask what was the best thing for others to do for you when you were in your being days of this adventure.

I’m here because I want to help him and who better to ask then You guys.

Thanks for your time.

Scarlett Szymanski
Scarlett Szymanski
7 years ago

: I just found out that my husband has been dipping and has been hiding it and lying to me about it since last October. I only found out because I found his stash….. I don’t know what to do. I want to help him, but I’m so angry that he lied to me. We have been married for almost two years and this is the first time we have had blantant honesty issues in our marriage. Any help?

7 years ago

Look, it’s snuff. Relax. People who are stressed must find a release somewhere. Be glad it was snuff and not another woman’s parties. Ask him why he’s been rubbing snuff. You can’t just be bridezilla and just accuse him or flood him with questions. Just ask once, “what’s got you so stressed out?” If he doesn’t answer, let him come to you. Just let him know that you’re there for him. Remember, it’s sickness and in health. You need to be his rock when he is weak. It’s nothing really to freak out about. But find the source of the problem and fix it.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chris

That was a beautiful answer.

7 years ago

Chewie… just found a NEW alternative tonight. Company is called (Fully Loaded). Flavors: Wintergreen, Wintermint, & Cherry. The products appear to be a long cut and are offer in 3 Levels (Nicotine, 50% Nicotine, No Nicotine) just like Triumph and Elicit. I haven’t used any alternatives in over a year and as of this February… 5 years Copenhagen free of a 26 year habit.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Very Cool! Haven’t heard of those pouches before… will have to look into them.

Also, how flimsy is the Fully Loaded can? That was my only issue with Elicit and Triumph… still think that BaccOff and Hooch have the best cans on the market.

Found two more alternatives today… ZapDip “cool mint” ( and Grit “wintergreen” and “mint” loose and pouches (

7 years ago
Reply to  NoCam

I guess we can forget the Grit Brand… just read a little further and it does contain nicotine.

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Hey Chewie… received and tried all three Fully Loaded products. To me, a pretty good substitute overall, but all were way to “spicy”. The cherry had a definite Robatusin taste to it… both Wintergreen and Wintermint were very flavorful. The can and wrapper were a little less desirable. Had to butcher the retaining wrapper to even open it and once open, can is extremely flimsy. Look forward to your energies though and I’ll cut and paste when up. Take care!

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

I tried all three flavors, cherry probably being the best of them. I actually really enjoyed all three… cherry just seemed to be the better of the three. As far as consistency, it was really good. Flavor lasted a good while as well. Nice but to it too. I think the cans are flimsy, most of the fake stuff do have flimsy cans. I don’t use these as much anymore, but I gotta say, this stuff was pretty dam good. I’ve always liked the consistency of Hooch, but the flavor often ran dry. This stuff is flavorful. Very enjoyable.

7 years ago
Reply to  JAYP

Nice but to it? Lmao, nice BURN**to it

7 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Where do you fine less nicotine dip?

9 years ago

I am sure it s like smoking for me and they never go away. But, I know I can never take a puff or I will go back!!!

7 years ago
Reply to  SmithMD

24 hours in feels like hell hope it gets better been dipping for 9 years

6 years ago
Reply to  Joshua

It gets better I have been off since June 14 th when my dog died. I still have the urge but not as bad. I have lots of side effects from the nicotine lack there of.

9 years ago

I am on month 4 and for the last week or so I have had a real rough time. I know the nicotine must be out of my system y now right? I almost just sad screw it today and bought a can but I have been down that road before. How long will these cravings last?

8 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

Chewie, I’ve registered with the forum and logged into the chat room as a guest and want to log out so I can actually log in with my actual username, how do i do that?

6 years ago
Reply to  Chewie

I’m am wanting to quit and need help getting there to quitting

Jerry James
Jerry James
8 years ago
Reply to  b8fshn

I quit 3 years ago and I still have cravings. I was told that some people still have cravings and they quit over 10 years ago.

8 years ago
Reply to  b8fshn

I totally know where you are coming from. I quit cold turkey after dipping for 16 years around the clock. People around me urged me to do this write up and I finally did.

I think you will find some of the ways that I staved off the urges helpful.

6 years ago
Reply to  b8fshn

I am at 5 months and still get the cravings. when I do, I ignore for a few days, then go buy a can of “fake snuff’. It really does help the cravings enough to get through it.

Austin Blanton
Austin Blanton
9 years ago

Everyone, I need all the help I can get…I don’t want to sound like a bitch but, I’ve dipped for the good part of 3-4 years. I dipped my last can yesterday and decided I was done! I am beyond twitchy, I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) which seems like it has gotten worse already. I cant sit still, I feel like I’m on the verge of completely freaking the F out…When I quit smoking back in August, I quit cold turkey after smoking for 8 years. I never had any cravings or feelings like I do right now. I have been chewing the same damn piece of gum since I woke up. I need any and all advise I can get to help…

8 years ago
Reply to  Austin Blanton

You can and will do it. Set the mind . Rely on us you can and will quit

Eric Kertz
Eric Kertz
9 years ago

Day 7 and very crabby and feel like crap but I am going to do this

Rick Diamond
Rick Diamond
9 years ago
Reply to  Eric Kertz

Keep going, EK! It gets better. I’m on day 1308 which sounds impossible but it’s totally not. Do whatever you need to – sunflower seeds, drink water, stay busy – it’ll get better soon, and it’s so worth it!

Steve Hall
Steve Hall
9 years ago
Reply to  Eric Kertz

EK Rick is right I’m at day 1072. Hang in there you can do it. Lean on your friends, lean on us.

10 years ago

Day 12 and feeling jerky, anyone else go through this?

10 years ago

Day 12

10 years ago
Reply to  DippydiDont

We’ll. where are you DDD

6 years ago
Reply to  Jeff

You still around Jeff?

11 years ago

day 40 and it’s tough. Don’t matter though…some of you HOF’ers know you’re done when you’re done. Thanks for the site.

11 years ago

Thank you guys feels freaky but well worth it

11 years ago

any advice sir

11 years ago

another wonderful consequence of tobacco is increased blood pressure. my guess is your BP is much lower now since you quit….

11 years ago

we are winning and thanks for responding. Quick question, do you get light headed at all kinda dizzy.

11 years ago

yep weekends are tough. She has been working on me 2, if ur drinking, that is a trigger. I am finishing day 5. I am starving the bitch to a slow death! Thx for stayi g in touch, and so glad you are winning.

11 years ago

8 days and counting weekends r tough but I’m still ignoring the bitc$ hope ur hanging in there

11 years ago

they both share some charateristics-sneaky,coniving, and they don’t quit, until they get their way hahaha

11 years ago

Good Morning dr dog yes she will be, but we are much stronger. Every hr that goes by we r winning. Its funny how nicotine is looked at as female hahaha we know her evil ways and fight away brother lets kick her ass and finally be rid of her. You get stronger every day

11 years ago

Good morning yesican-today is Friday, and I am on day 3. I am feeling pretty strong this morning, but know she will be hitting hard sometime today and this weekend. She will be trying to seduce us this weekend with her lies and deceit. Be strong brother….hope you are still riding the waves, stay strong!

Ralph Russell
Ralph Russell
11 years ago
Reply to  drdog

drdog I have been a chewer for over twenty years and I have tried numerous times to quit, but it has not been good words of advise

11 years ago

hey man! it IS gone from your body, head games now (the nicotine lie) I’ve found if you confront the urge head on, it’s like a wave in the ocean ride it up to the peak and ride it down..feel the pain….draw it out and yell at her “Is that all you got”! don’t try to hide from the craving, draw it closer and you’ll find it really isn’t THAT bad….

11 years ago
Reply to  drdog

Thank you brother Im yelling and riding but i feel good about myself. Still dont know how to roll call, but ill get it. I never realized how much control this bi$ch had over me.

11 years ago

Im on hr 72 and want this crap to leave my body. I need to quit and I will quit this has drove me crazy for nearly 20 years and it is time for me to take control heeeeeeeeeeelp

11 years ago
Reply to  yesican

Going on day 3 myself. Worried about the ease of slipping back into a chew at work.

10 years ago
Reply to  Dan

You know your habits….. prepare for them. what ever they are that first dip after coffee have a snack ready. use the fake stuff and think about the next rush between
break and lunch. this way you are ahead of the BITCH.

10 years ago
Reply to  yesican

I know where your at don’t cave, ask Jesus fer help

10 years ago
Reply to  yesican

Keep going you can do it

10 years ago
Reply to  yesican

I’m working on day 1, been dippin for 25 years, found out yesterday my dad has terminal cancer….. Wake up call, it’s really difficult I feel like I’m going crazy, but I choose life… Atleast for now

Lenne Butcher
Lenne Butcher
9 years ago
Reply to  yesican

If you had a plastic straw that had a bit of flavor and you gnaw on it though out your day would you…? Because that would be a start to decreasing your desires…………I am working on them…. That is how I did it…..ORAL FIXATION…..

Lenne Butcher
Lenne Butcher
9 years ago
Reply to  Lenne Butcher

Kik-Stik`s are a lightly flavored perforated stick to help you in your time of need….. ALL DAY..!

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