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COVID-19 Vaccines and Cancer

COVID-19 came along a few years ago and changed the world. Vaccines came shortly afterward and have subsequently become one of the most polarizing topics I can ever remember. I’m not here to pick sides or start an argument. Just passing along this information as it pertains to cancer and how vaccines may or may not affect cancer patients. Having just lost my dad to cancer this past summer, this one hits close to home.

COVID-19 Vaccines and Cancer
Colorized scanning electron micrograph of cell (green) heavily infected with COVID-19 particles (purple), commonly known as SARS-CoV-2 or novel CCP virus, isolated from a patient sample on March 16, 2020. (NIAID)

COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer

I think at this point people understand that with vaccines (not just COVID vaccines, ANY vaccine) there comes potential for side effects. According to a study published recently in the Cureus medical journal, “a review of multiple studies led the authors to conclude that certain COVID-19 vaccines may create an environment that predisposes some cancer patients, including survivors, to “cancer progression, recurrence, and/or metastasis.” 

The full study can be read here:!/

If I’m reading this correctly their fears about cancer are increased based on the number of vaccine doses. From the study:

“Since the COVID-19 vaccines are not a primary series for protection but rather periodic (every six months) injections without any stopping point, it is possible that only those with multiple immunizations (and/or high risk for cancer or cancer relapse) would be at higher risk of malignancy.”

The review focused on mRNA vaccines, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, and adenovirus-vectorized vaccines, Johnson & Johnson and Oxford/AstraZeneca, as these products were most widely used in global COVID-19 vaccination campaigns.

Read the original article here: COVID-19 Vaccines Can Potentially Worsen Cancer: Review

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