Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Cowboy Coffee Chew and Major League Coffee Dip Reviews

Major League Coffe Dip & Cowboy Coffee CheBack again today with a review of two new products to the smokeless alternative market:

Major League Coffee Dip and Cowboy Coffee Chew!

Coffee Chew is a a non tobacco alternative (just like everything else listed on to chewing tobacco, dip or snus.  You can find them both online at

Here’s a description from the creator:

“Coffee Chew is a great tasting coffee blend to get you through those hard quitting times.  It’s been chewed by the inventor for years, who developed it when he got sick early in life experimenting with smokeless tobacco, yet still wanting that cool image, he developed an alternative called Coffee Chew.  Coffee Chew is a quick pinch of energy along with having a great taste, awesome pack and long lasting effect.  Some mix it with their current favorite smokeless tobacco dip, for a lower nicotine rush along with a good boost of caffeine and flavor.  Others find Coffee Chew an EXCELLENT quitting tool, using it between chews or to stop the cravings.  While others find that Cowboy Coffee Chew tastes so good, they just eat it up and enjoy the rush!”

With that bit of marketing, let’s get started with my review.

Ingredients – Cowboy Coffee Chew

Coffee, Honey, Sugar, Creamer [Corn Syrup Solids, Vegetable Oil (Partially Hydrogenated Coconut or Palm Kernel, Hydrogenated Soybean), Sodium Casseinate (a milk derivative), and less than 2% of Dipotassium Phosphate (moderates coffee acidity), Mono- and Diglycerides (prevents oil separation), Sodium Aluminosilicate, Artificial Flavor, Annatto Color.].

Thoughts – Cowboy Coffee Chew

Cowboy Coffee ChewI’m a big fan of a cup of coffee so this one is right up my alley.  Opening the solid tin (I really appreciate this as opposed to a plastic can) you get an immediate coffee smell wafting from the tin.  However, this really is NOT a substitute to dip or snuff.  It’s definitely more of a snus alternative when you first open the can (though it “changes” once you pop it in… more on the later).  If you’re looking for something you can “pack” you’re going to be severely let down as with so much honey holding the product together it’s not necessary (or possible for the matter).  I had a tough time getting this one out of the tin but once I “worked it” a bit I had no problems.  Check out the VERY helpful tip on their website:

“For Best Results, use Coffee Chew warm. ​Keeping it in your pocket works perfectly!”‘

Cowboy Coffee Chew PackIf you DON’T do this you’ll have some difficulty.

What you’ve got here is coffee grounds being held together with honey and cream.  Warming up the product a bit makes it much easier to work with.  Popping one in I had to fight the urge to eat it as it really does taste like a nicely sweetened coffee.  The good news is that unlike real tobacco you actually COULD eat it with no problems.

This is a nice chew early on as it holds together initially with little float.  Great coffee flavors coming through, great spitability and longevity.  The issue I’ve got here with Cowboy Coffee Chew is that once the honey and cream “melt” away in your mouth, you’re left with a much “harsher” chew because at that point you’re dipping coffee grounds. I don’t say harsh from a flavor perspective because it’s still great, but more from a “feel” perspective.  Also, I keep my dip in the back of my mouth along my jawline so once that honey melts the dip really began to float and I had a hard time keeping it together.  This is partially because I tend to “work” my chews, but also because that binding agent is no longer there.

The flavor here I’d describe as “classic” but it definitely tastes like coffee so if you’re not a fan of the drink this probably isn’t for you.  You’re also getting a caffeine boost here from the coffee so if you’re sensitive to coffee or caffeine you may want to stay away (also pointed out on the website).  Overall though this is a very strong effort that I’d recommend to anyone who doesn’t dislike coffee.

Thoughts – Major League Coffee Dip

Major League Coffee DipThis is quite literally the same product in different packaging.  As such my review and the ingredients list is exactly the same.  The two different products is purely a marketing effort to target different markets which happen to be two of the biggest chewing markets: Rodeo & Major League Baseball.  The product and pricing is the same, so pick which one you identify with the most and give it a shot!


This is nice coffee product where you’re actually brewing in your mouth.  This is super cool (as long as you like coffee).  If you don’t you’re probably not going to be a fan of either Cowboy Coffee Chew or Major League Coffee Dip (as they are in fact the same product).  However, if you’re a coffee nut you’re going to love this stuff.  Great flavor, better spitability and as long as the honey holds together so does the product.

Special thanks to John from Cowboy Coffee for providing me samples to try and review.

If you want to try either product (and help out KTC in the process) order some from Amazon!

Cowboy Coffee Chew & Major League Coffee Dip

Cowboy Coffee Chew & Major League Coffee Dip can be found on the web at or on Twitter @chewcoffeedip.  Tell em sent you!

Disclaimer: In accordance with FTC Guidelines, we hereby inform this site’s viewers that we occasionally receive products for review purposes. At no time has payment has been made in order to elicit positive reviews. Affiliate links may be present in the above content. Read our disclosure policy for more info.

Have you tried Cowboy Coffee Chew or Major League Coffee Dip?  Contact us and we’ll add your review to the site!

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8 years ago

I am curious if the coffee stains your teeth and does the honey promote tooth decay more so than tobacco

AJ Brimer
8 years ago

How long will an open can last?

9 years ago

I plan on buying some, and I would like to know from someone who has tried it. Is it worth the money?

lori sunderhaus
lori sunderhaus
8 years ago
Reply to  Jonathan

Jonathan I have been looking for an alternative to snuff for my husband who has been using since high school. We have tried many non tobacco brands .nothing that he has liked until now. I saw Major League Coffee Dip on the news one night and decided to buy him some..He absolutely loves it! He hardly even uses the tobacco anymore. I am so pleased..It is so worth the little bit more you pay for the coffee dip..

9 years ago

This is my review of the stuff, I love it!

buy kona coffee
10 years ago

Our family loves the coffee chews. My father loves it when I bring them back to the states. I usually bring him 5 bags. Wanted to take him some when I went back in July, but there were none to be found not even at the airport. Going back to the states in November hope there will be some available by then.

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