Words of Wisdom

Day 355

The Decision To Quit DippingTaking another look through my thread, seeing the history over the past almost year, and realize that when it came time at that point last year to quit, that it was a Decision that I was to make, and then to honor it each and every day.

Decision – “a determination arrived at after a consideration.” For me that definitely is the perfect definition from the Websters Dictionary.

Throughout our lives we make many decisions from small and inconsequential (What will I have for lunch today?) to those that are large and very life changing (Who will I marry? What career will I choose?). Well it was that almost year ago when I proceeded to make one of those life changing Decisions and kick the nicotine to the curb.

Do I regret? Hell No other than not making that Decision sooner. So I say to everyone reading this that comes onto KTC, Make sure you look at yourself, think about it and then to yourself make that determination to QUIT after considering it, because without this and making this DECISION, you may not allow yourself the strength to follow it up (ie sticking to that Decision every damn day).

I hope you new quitters take heed of this and make it serious as am not liking what I am seeing with the newer groups as, to me, that people are not making this Decision before jumping in here.

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan.org forum member SirDerek

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