Day X – 100 Days For Sajax Again
Day 100
Second time for me. Should be day 2330. This milestone is bittersweet.
I learned that 1500+ days does not a cure make. I made my promise over 100 days in a row then left. I promised nothing for another 1400 then caved. I learned I will never be strong enough on my own to guarantee I will remain nicotine free. Years I was free of dip. Years.
I know that if I had promised someone I trust, and who trusts me, not to use nicotine the day I caved I would be posting 2330. I know that I will be here posting a +1 until they cut the lights off.
If you’ve tried on your own and couldn’t hang, so have I. I come here knowing this is the only way to fight my addiction. I have to have accountability.
If you’ve been here before and caved, so have I. Come back knowing this is what works and that being held accountable will save your life.
Day 100. Day 2330. Day X.
The only day that >really< matters is Today, and Today I promise my brothers and sisters in quit to abstain from nicotine. I’ll see you again tomorrow.
NOTE: This piece written byĀ forumĀ memberĀ Sajax