Motivation and Education

Dip Dreams

Nature In Dream - Dip Dreams

Relapse dreams are normal part of the healing. google addiction and relapse dreams, you’ll find a host of similarities between the dreams of recovering alcoholics, heroin junkies, and other addicts, including tobacco addicts. I think there are some theories that have linked it to the chemical receptors (nicotine) in the brain dying off.

You literally have been ingesting a poison that is ounce for ounce more lethal than cobra venom. Your body and especially your brain are going to take some time to heal.

From posting on this site for two years I know the following things to be helpful ,

First, when you get hit with the funk, you can help yourself by getting off your ass and getting active. walk, shovel snow, chase tranny hookers with a wiffleball bat but get some exercise. The body will produce endorphins and other feel good chemicals when you exercise, this WILL HELP ease the symptoms of the funk if not make them disappear.

Second- between day 50- 100 it is easy to get bored or complacent with your quit. A lot of people fail because of that. NOW IS THE TIME to tighten up the intensity of your quit. re-invent yourself with new hobbies, stay active, mentally guard your quit and make sure you have a plan in place to handle any craves that come your way. Do you have gum? seeds? fake? are you putting yourself in any situations where you might be tempted? Long and short is get your shit together, now isn’t the time to start coasting. Head over to April and post support and read some of the shit that the day one-three guys are going thru. Whatever you do DONT forget how hard it was to get to where you are today. Nothing is worth throwing that away.

Third- remember the law of addiction- there is no just one. One puff from a smoke or lick of a nicotine suppository and your brain will light up like a pinball machine in a lighting storm on the fourth of July. You’ll re-ignite all the nicotine receptors in your brain and have to start from scratch. not fucking worth it. Don’t look back.

last- when things get shitty, as they may during a funk or just life in general, keep in mind that a dip will not solve anything. That shit was never a crutch, it was an anchor. The only thing nicotine is good for is keeping you addicted to nicotine. Instead of falling for that trap, work your quit plan, reach out for help, post up in here like Jimmy did, lean on each other. Re -read the stuff on here that helped you before. Go to the guestbook on the Caring bridge site and read Jenny Kerns comments, read the comments of Toms kids as they post their dear Dad letter as they grow up. Get mad, get tough, stay quit

If I can do this shit, so can you , there is no going back your quit .

skoal Monster-717

NOTE: This piece written byĀ forumĀ memberĀ Skoal Monster

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