2022 HOF Speeches

Escaping Nicotine Forever


August 2nd, 2022 was the day that I last had a dip. On that day I struggled constantly to figure out the best method to quit dipping. It was a mental battle, the worst part was this was a mental game that started before I quit. Nicotine essentially tried begging its way into staying in my life. For context, I had to quit dipping for a major surgery. I wasn’t doing it because I wanted to at first. Nicotine was pleading with me, saying things like “As soon as you pass that nicotine blood test, go buy a can! You need it, you need me” That day was brutal. It was that night that I found KTC. I haven’t interacted at this point. Just browsing the website to catch a glimpse of what I thought might work. I told myself, I only needed to manage 2 weeks.

I eventually started reading through articles explaining the day to day struggles of a nicotine quitter. Based on what I was reading, I was sure that I was way to far in over my head expecting to just quit dipping. After more research, I found the discord link. I joined, read the rules, introduced myself, then place in my home of November 22 NutJobs. I still to this point told myself, just 2 weeks. Being weary of myself and my capability to quit I posted my Day 1. From there, my life began to change.

Day 1 – 10 were probably the hardest days of my entire quit. I had found my supplement, Smokey Mountain Herbal Snuff. The best alternative to dip for me. I found that at this point my oral fixation was my weakest point. I needed something to fill the void. Along with the initial withdraws, I found myself to be quite argumentative. Certainly to a gentleman on Discord known as Pockets(Oct22) Once I got to Day 5, I talked to my mom. Explained to her about KTC, and finally decided to promise myself that this is my first, and last quit.

Day 11 – 50, these days were for the most part quiet. I didn’t really have any extreme withdrawal symptoms after Day 10, aside from the occasion trigger based on what I was doing. Such as stressing over my favorite football team playing TERRIBLY. One notable thing that occurred around day 25 was I decided to go to work one, leaving behind my Smokey Mountain. I was going to test just how much I was truly depending on the Fake Dip. Come to find out, I didn’t have the urge. From that point on, I was totally quit. No nicotine, no replacement. Strongly moving toward the HOF.

Day 51 – 99, these day are my most confident days of my quit. I wasn’t relying on anything substance wise to stay quit. No gum, food, Fake Dip, nothing. Just me and my personal willpower and the help of friends I met in KTC. Levi, Allenran, and EdT. Those 3 guys caught me slipping. Not because I was about to cave, but because I became more distant from the group. Posting my promise later in the day, or just downright forgetting. I recognize that it was unacceptable, because everyone here deserves from me to give my promise and keep it with them, every single day. Those guys are the ones that reached out when I was absent. I am truly grateful for the amount of accountability received at KTC.

Day 100. Hall Of Fame! We made it! 100 continuous days without Nicotine. I promise everyone that reads this, I never, EVER thought this was possible. I sure as hell know it wasn’t possible without the support from my brothers and sisters of KTC! I am feeling better than ever and this is not the end. 100 days quit and an amazing goal, but it’s only the beginning.

Here’s to 100 more and beyond! Forever a life WITHOUT Nicotine!

NOTE: This piece written by KillTheCan community member ATG_IV

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