Cancer and Quitter Stories

I Will Quit Tomorrow – Epilogue For Ricky

TomorrowI have been thinking a lot about my quit this weekend. I had a friend and neighbor in Atlanta for 14 years, his son was a year older than my son. We moved there when he was one year old. So my son and Ricky’s son played together all the time and he and I became good friends. We would work in our yards, have a few beers, he would smoke and I would dip – see I started dipping after I moved to this house. Well Ricky is just your average family guy – wife 2 kids and a small landscaping company. On Saturdays we would hang out on his back patio and watch the wives play tennis and we would drink and bull shit. He would tell me I needed to quit Skoal before I got hooked on it and I would tell him to quit smoking. Well he always said he would quit tomorrow and he even did quit a couple of times for a few days. He knew he needed to quit, his dad died of lung cancer and he wanted to be around for his family.

WELL TOMORROW NEVER CAME!!! On early Friday morning Ricky (55yrs young) passed away from lung cancer leaving his wife and 2 kids and a grandson alone. Think about how fortunate we are for living in tomorrow. Our tomorrow is here today and we have the complete control to keep tomorrow here today. What do you think Ricky would have given the day he was told he had lung cancer to turn the clock back to a time before the cancer started, say maybe 100 days or so? I think he would have given everything he had to quit and not have cancer. Well we don’t have to give anything to have what he would have paid a million bucks for – to be nicotine and cancer free. So tomorrow is here today – 24 hours with your little nicotine friend tapping at the door telling you she loves you and to let her in. Remember, we are not quitting dip – we have quit. Shut the door for today and repeat that again tomorrow and so on. Take the opportunity that you have provided for yourself and stay quit for you, stay quit for your family and friends!

Cancer affects more people than just the dying victim. Sure Ricky died in a great deal of pain, he had lost over 100 pounds and could not get out of bed for over a month. His wife had to leave work to assist her husband. A once upper middle class family is now in dyer straights. The announcement asked for flowers not to be sent, instead it requested donations for the family.


NOTE: This piece written byĀ forumĀ member FranPro

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7 years ago

I’m about to turn twenty-five and I have been dipping about a can or so a day for the past 2-3 years. My dentist has never said anything to me about having poor gums and usually says my mouth is healthy for the most part, when I’m usually scared shitless every time I go in. Anyways, I’ve sadly been trying to quit for about a year now but it has turned into worse of a problem the more I have failed. I decided to finally do something and check out some sort of site before its too late. I have said it a million and one times probably but I am quitting dip tomorrow. Calling a dentist to have a diagnostic test. I am learning more about what it is going to really take to quit and what my lingering health risks will be if my tests go well. Just worried I have really screwed up and I’m running out of time to fix it.

7 years ago
Reply to  Melvin

You want to quit? Then quit. Stop. Now.

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