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Finding Your Quit In 2012

2012-2013It’s the last day of 2012, and before the calendar flips to 2013 tomorrow I wanted to take a look back at last year.  I’m always interested to hear how people found us.  As our quit forums (coming up on 15,000 members!) continue to grow, word of mouth is one of the major ways that people find us.  I’ve heard quite a few stories like this one where people have recognized shirts or wristbands from our store and struck up a conversation.  Our Twitter and Facebook pages have led a TON of social media users our way in 2012 as well.  If you’re not partaking in the conversations there I’d strongly advise it!

All of that being said, the #1 way people find a property on the web is through an Internet search.  Being the web geek that I am, I’m always looking through website analytics.  As we flip the calendar tonight, I thought it’d be a good time to take a look at this years’s data to see just how people found out little slice of the web.

Top 10 phrases that people used to find the main site ( in 2012:

  1. kill the can
  2. killthecan
  3. how to quit dipping
  4. quit chewing tobacco
  5. quit dipping
  6. quitting chewing tobacco
  8. how to quit chewing tobacco
  9. copenhagen flavors
  10. chewing tobacco alternatives

There’s nothing in this list that’s really all that shocking.  #9 stands out in my mind as it’s got someone else’s brand in there.  If you look at last year’s list you’ll see that it’s very similar.

Top 10 phrases that people used to find the forums ( in 2012:

  1. kill the can
  2. killthecan
  3. fake chew
  5. qsxtreme
  6. leather apron
  7. teachty utah
  8. kill the can forum
  9. sac
  10. quit dipping

Just like last year, there are some odd ones in this list.  I’m not quite sure why search engines are returning our forum for “leather apron” and “sac” but I’m hoping that people find what they’re looking for.  Now that I think about it… there are some pretty “interesting” conversations that take place in our Wildcard forums.  *shrugs*

Top 10 phrases that people used to find this blog ( in 2012:

  1. fake dip
  2. jakes mint chew review
  3. mint snuff review
  4. hooch snuff
  5. grinds coffee pouches review
  6. jakes mint chew
  7. hooch snuff reviews
  8. jake’s mint chew review
  9. grinds coffee pouches
  10. fake chewing tobacco

Incredibly interesting yet again.  This blog certainly has become a HUGE resource for people looking for fake dip reviews.  ALL 10 of the top 10 results (as well as 23 out of the top 25) were searches for fake dip.  As I said last year, I didn’t necessarily intend for this to be the case with this blog, but I absolutely LOVE trying and reviewing the products.  If you’re got a product that you’d like me to review please contact me and I’ll take care of it!

How did you find  Happy New Year quitters!!!

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Mourad ELFILALI (@MouradElfilali)

Awesome site, I’m sure everyone concerned will really appreciate the great content on it, and there will be many other new comers from many other search terms in the future.

Brian Brown
11 years ago

It might be a little slice of the web but your site is very interesting. It is fun finding out where visitors come from for sure. Keep up the good work.

12 years ago

I found KTC while surfing the internet in a mass fog on day 4, can’t even remember the search terms that brought me here, but I am glad I found it. It’s a life or death kind of thing.


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