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Finding Your Quit In 2022 – Happy New Year!

2022 to 2023

It’s the last day of 2022, and before the calendar flips to 2023 tonight at midnight I wanted to take a look back at this past year. It really has been an incredible ride.

I hate to say it, but we still need to be talking about COVID. At this point we’re several years in and hopefully nearing the end, but I think it’s safe to say that this global pandemic has re-shaped the way we live our lives. In the word of Forrest Gump… that’s all I’ve got to say about that.

When it comes to quitting dip we’ve had a great year. The quit numbers continue to pile up for our members and we’re getting more and more people finding us every single day day. I imagine there will be more than a few ‘New Years Resolutions‘ made over the next few hours so for those of you – WELCOME!

Word of mouth and social sharing has always been one of the major ways that people have found us. Our Twitter and Facebook pages have led a TON of social media conversations and our Instagram and YouTube channels continue to thrive (especially the YouTube shorts). Speaking of shorts… I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about TikTok. I know there are some folk that don’t ‘get it’ but I have to say it’s allowed me to engage with the quitting community in ways I never dreamed possible. For those of you that think TikTok is nothing but a bunch of teen girls dancing, think again.

Speaking of new ways to engage the community, just this past week we rolled out the KillTheCan podcast! I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to get this going in 2023. It’ll be filled with long form quit conversations, guests you know and love from our community and much more. You can listen to it in all of your favorite podcasting platforms (and we’re adding more regularly). Head on over to check it out and subscribe!

Back in October of 2021 we made the decision to migrate the majority of our quit conversation off the forums and to our Discord server. This was a move that was met with some (quite a bit?) of push back but I’m happy to say that this was an unmitigated success. We’ve got more engagement on Discord that we ever had on the forums and our mobile interface (which is SO important in 2022) is just top notch. Join the conversation today! 

That being said, for the ‘old school’ among us, the forums aren’t gone. They’re chugging away right where they’ve always been at But, there are some folks that never visit the forums – they hang out here on the main site. There’s a TON of quit conversation that takes place in the comments sections here. I’d urge you to GET INVOLVED wherever the discussion is taking place – you never know who you’re going to meet!

Being the web geek that I am, I took a peak this AM at the top 10 landing pages in 2022. As you can see, folks are super interested in alternatives to dip!

Top 10 pages in 2022:

  1. Quit Dipping Timeline – What To Expect When You Quit Dipping
  2. Symptoms of Quitting Dip and Chew
  3. Black Buffalo Long Cut Review – Mint and Wintergreen
  4. Smokeless Alternatives
  5. Quit Calculators 
  6. Cannadips CBD Infused Pouches Review
  7. What Is The Best Alternative To Copenhagen?
  8. Black Buffalo – Zero Nicotine – Zero Tobacco – 100% Ritual
  9. Smokeless Alternative Reviews
  10. Smokey Mountain Snuff Reviews

An interesting list to be sure… our friends at Black Buffalo, Cannadips and Smokey Mountain provide some AWESOME products so I’m thrilled to see them so high on our list.

How did you find  

If you haven’t yet been able to make your decision to quit dipping I’d like to let you know that when you’re ready, will be here waiting for you to help you along the way.  I can’t say that it will be an easy process, but I can tell you that it is totally worth all the pain and suffering that you will go through to regain your freedom.

I’m very excited about the upcoming year for  There are some great things on the horizon and I’d like to thank you once again for being a part of it.

A special nod to all of the admins, moderators and mentors that make KillTheCan run the way it does. Our community is stronger because of you and my I quite literally owe you my quit, and by extension, my life. Thank you.

Oh behalf of all of us at KTC, have a happy, healthy, safe and QUIT New Year!

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