Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Flora CBD – CBD Dip Review

CBD Dip - WintergreenI’m thrilled to be back with a review of another NEW product in the world of smokeless alternative products – introducing CBD Dip from Flora CBD. Today I’ll be reviewing long cut varieties of the following flavors: Wintergreen, Southern Peach, Fuego, Cinnamon and Bourbon.

There’s a SLEW of new CBD products on the market as we begin to understand the power of this stuff. As I’ve said previously, I’ll repeat it here: I’m not a pot guy and have never been a pot guy. That being said, if you are anti-pot or anti-CBD please… do NOT let those feelings taint CBD products for you. Please give this a read and then make your assessment. I’m reviewing these products as a SMOKELESS ALTERNATIVE… nothing more.

Also, please note that CBD is now legal nationwide after the passage of the Agriculture Improvement Act signed in late 2018

CBD Dip – Initial Impressions

It’s been quite some time since I’ve reviewed a product that wasn’t a pouch. The idea of a true ‘long cut’ is pretty tough to come by but I have to say this… this may be the closest thing to a true long cut in the alternative market. They’ve got is spot on! There are other long or rough cut products on the market but this one is probably the closest in cut and texture. Bravo.


Good smells and flavors for all products – I’ll go into further details below. Product is SUPER moist, packs well and produces a TON of deep, dark browns saliva.

All of these are 100% tobacco and nicotine free – otherwise I wouldn’t be reviewing them. According to their website none of their product contain fiberglass, are 100% safe to swallow (though they don’t recommend it). The can is high quality thick plastic. Overall I’m a big fan of the packaging and presentation, though I would have appreciated a ‘best by’ date.

CBD Dip – Wintergreen

I always start out with Wintergreen as I was a Kodiak Wintergreen guy for the majority of my time as a dipper. Ironically enough I was just at an (outdoor) get together the other night and a buddy had a tin of Kodiak. While I’ll never go back I did take a big whiff for old time’s sake so I remember quite well this morning what it smells like. This isn’t too similar to Kodiak but it’s certainly in the ballpark. Good Wintergreen flavor with a hint of ‘burn’ which I really appreciate.

CBD Dip – Southern Peach

Nice warm peach flavor. Smells great and tastes even better. Huge fan of this one and would definitely recommend if you’re a fan of peach flavored chews which there aren’t a ton of. I did notice a slight ‘metallic’ tinge flavor toward the end of my chew which seems to be pretty common with many of these flavored chews.

CBD Dip – Fuego

I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with this one as the name Fuego really doesn’t describe it for me. I can only assume ‘hot’ (thanks to Dan Patrick from ESPN back in the day for this). Smell upon opening was pretty nondescript as well as it smelled good, but not hot. That said, as soon as I popped this one in I knew what Fuego meant – HOT. Included in the ingredients for this one are Cayenne Pepper and Tabasco Mash and you’ll certainly taste them. This was a tad on the hot side for me but all in all a very good dip.

CBD Dip – Cinnamon

I have to preface these thoughts by saying I’m generally not a fan of cinnamon either as a dip flavor or when I cook. With that out of the way this is a solid Cinnamon flavored alternative. I sampled this one directly after the Fuego flavor so I may have had a bit of leftover heat in my mouth but this was a ‘spicy’ version of Cinnamon which I actually appreciated. If you’re a fan of Cinnamon I’d give this one a try as I think you’ll enjoy it.

CBD Dip – Bourbon

To say I’m a fan of bourbon is an understatement. Hell, it’s probably the single thing that’s gotten me through this pandemic 😉 I finished up my testing with this flavor and while I certainly wasn’t disappointed I would say I was slightly underwhelmed. That’s not to say this wasn’t great because it really was. I just didn’t get a huge rush of flavor that reminded me of bourbon. I’m not a bourbon snob but I do have *clears throat* well developed palate when it comes to the stuff. I do believe this is the first Bourbon flavored alt on the market – there have been ‘Whiskey’ flavors in the past, but nothing marketed specifically as Bourbon. I’d be interested to hear some feedback on this from someone else who’s tried it to see if I’m just being overly picky. This is still a solid recommend.

CBD Dip – Ingredients

The ingredients aren’t listed on the tins which is sort of a bummer. That said, after some digging around their website I was able to find ingredients (on the product pages). Ingredients listed are the same for all flavors:

Kudzu Leaves, Mint Leaves, Kosher Vegetable Glycerin, Caramel Color, Cayenne Pepper, Salt, Tabasco Mash, Mint Oils, Natural Flavors, Artificial Flavors, Hemp-derived extract

CBD Dip – Final Thoughts

I have to say I’m a big fan of CBD Dip. They’ve absolutely NAILED the long cut (maybe better than any others out there) and their flavors are really nice. If I had to rank them I’d probably go Wintergreen, Peach, Bourbon, Cinnamon and Fuego but that’s 100% subjective based on what you like.

All of the flavors that I reviewed above are currently available for purchase on their website. You can get single cans of all flavors, three packs or a five can bundle.

  • Wintergreen Full Spectrum CBD Dip – 200mg
  • Southern Peach Full Spectrum CBD Dip – 200mg
  • Fuego Full Spectrum CBD Dip – 200mg
  • Cinnamon Full Spectrum CBD Dip – 200mg
  • Bourbon Full Spectrum CBD Dip – 200mg

CBD Dip can be found on the web at (website no longer valid)

Special thanks to Talya from Flora CBD for providing samples for me to try and review.

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Have you tried any of the CBD Dip products? Leave us a comment below with your thoughts!

Update: Flora CBD – CBD Dip – Out of Business

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4 months ago

Is this 100% guaranteed THC free?

2 years ago

Enjoy your reviews. Agree on the wintergreen. The best all around alt dip I have found. Its moist and produces black spit for a good while. Ordered the other flavors and will let you know about the bourbon. Texture kind of reminds me of ol’ school Hawkins!

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