ThoughtsYour Quit

For The Non Quitters Out There – My Epitchat

My EpitchatIf you haven’t quite made your decision to quit yet well… we can’t make it for you. You’ve got to truly be ready to take that journey. No amount of nagging from us, your spouse or your friends can make up your mind for you. For those non quitters out there we’ve a little something for you. Think of it as a New Years gift.

If you are not going to quit today, here is a link for check out This is site is owned by one of our members and the site provides a free will and assists with end of life planning.

You may need it sooner than you think.

(KTC has no affiliation with My Epitchat other than it is owned by one of our forum members)

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9 years ago

Even if you are quitting it is always smart to have a Will. Do you know that 55% of Americans do not have a Will. Here is your chance to get a free will.

R Diamond
9 years ago

four years quit this past weekend. best decision ever with regards to my health and well-being. i encourage anyone who is doubtful about the effort, willpower, focus, sacrifice that quitting will entail, to think of one thing: the freedom from your addiction to something that is trying to enslave and kill you. cuz it is addiction and it is trying to enslave and kill you. get free!

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