
Get Your Daily Dose of Quit ChatHere at we strive to make quitting as tolerable as possible.  While there is no “correct” way to quit, we believe that our tried and true methods will lead to the highest level of success.  That said, we understand that not everyone quits the same way so we offer multiple avenues to get the support necessary to be successful:

    The “main site” who’s goal is to help people gain freedom from the can.  Tips on quitting, info about smokeless tobacco and all things related to it.  We’re always looking for good content to add to the site so please contact us and suggest something if you feel it would be beneficial!
  • The Roll Call Blog
    All of the ‘content’ that used to live on the blog has been migrated to the main site but we maintain the blog purely for roll call purposes. There’s a daily post (that you can subscribe to get email notifications) for you to add your name and number to.
  • The Quitter Support Community
    It’s safe to say that it’s the largest community on the web devoted to quitting smokeless tobacco.  It’s a great place to get questions answered about nicotine withdrawal, symptoms of quitting, etc.  Users can interact with the board as much or as little as they’d though we do highly suggest “posting roll” which is our daily promise to one another that we will not use tobacco in any form that that day.  We don’t worry about the concept of “forever” cause it’s just too big.  We quit one day at a time and then repeat when we get to tomorrow.
  • Live Quitter Chat (Discord)
    The quickest way to get the support you need.  If you’re craving and need someone to talk to this is a great place to go 24 hours a day.  There’s almost always someone available to give you a pep talk and get you back to quitting.  A crave technically only lasts for a couple of minutes.  Chat is a great way to pass those few moments of weakness until you can get back to your day.
  • Kill The Can on Social Media

However you want to interact with us, we’ll be there. You are NOT alone when it comes to quitting dip!

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