Golfpro’s HOF Speech – I Never Saw Myself as an Addict
Here I sit at day 114 & I know that I will not touch nicotine today. Not because I’m cured but because I posted roll & promised a bunch of good mother fuckers that I will not bow to my addiction today and because they made the same promise to me.
Like a lot of us, I never saw myself as an addict. I lived my life for 20+ years thinking I just had a really bad habit, but it was my only vice so I was doing ok…I had gotten lucky that I hadn’t had any teeth fall out & I was damn good at hiding it. I took ninja dipping to the next level.
The most important part of my quit was realizing that I was an addict; no different than a crackwhore. That one fact, that one light going on in my dim little brain changed my life.
Thank you to KTC, to the vets that gave me leadership & support through the fog & at every milestone along the way, and to my Ironmen quit brothers who motivated me to stay quit because only an idiot would leave these guys behind.
Damn straight I’m quit today
NOTE: This piece written by forum member golfpro9696