Your Quit
Great Quit Plan

OK… I’m posting my quit plan to make sure I don’t cave in this weekend… bit worried as the pressure will be high this weekend. I’m going to a knap-in primitive skills event this weekend and that is where I caved with cigars last time… Lots of use going on. Gonna avoid alcohol this weekend as well. Just to be sure.
So my quit plan….. For the record… Hold me to it… Shove it in my face if you have to.
When I want to cave I will:
- read my quit plan
- stuff my face full of seeds.
- refocus my attention on: a. work, b. hobby, c. sex d. anything else besides nic
- If I still want to cave I will: Read my list of why I want/need to quit.
- If I still want to cave I will: Remind myself that ‘there is no JUST ONE‘
- If I still want to cave I will: Remind myself that I want 13 more years of life, I want to see my kid graduate, marry and have kids.
- If I still want to cave I will: Call or test a quit buddy.
- If I still want to cave I will: punch a wall, person or whatever is close and will not punch back
- If none of the above works and I still want to cave and go buy nic: I WILL NOT CAVE NO MATTER WHAT! I will not buy, beg, borrow or use no matter what. I will no longer support the tobacco industry with my hard earned money and time.
- If all else fails I will slam my testicles in a desk / door. what ever until crave goes away.
That is my plan and I’m sticking to it no matter what… Damn it…. I love life MORE than I love nicotine.
NOTE: This piece written by forum member n2everythg September 17th, 2010