Product ReviewsSmokeless Alternatives

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Review

Greene's Reserve SquareBack again with a review of smokeless alternative product that I’ve never taken a look at – Greene’s Reserve Hemp

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Dip is made with ground hemp flower and contain predominately CBD, with a mix of other cannabinoids like CBG, CBN, and CBC. The offer both long and fine cut and according to their website pouches are coming soon (I’ll review them here when available).

Like all products I review here, these are 100% tobacco and nicotine free and even though to are made from hemp they will NOT get you high (they contain no more than 0.04% THC.

I have to apologize to the folks at Greene’s Reserve for the lateness of this review. They sent me these cans over the summer and life just sort of got in the way. As you’ll see here shortly, I’m glad I finally got around to posting this review. Special thanks to KTC member mont (April 2023) for giving me the nudge by asking about Greene’s on our Discord server.

Let’s get to the review.

Greene's Reserve Cans

All flavors come in both long cut and fine cut. I’ve never been a fine cut guy as it tends to just go EVERYWHERE in my mouth. Greene’s is no different when talking about fine cuts. That said I wouldn’t list it as a negative as it’s VERY close to the way real fine cut products ‘perform’. The thoughts below are on the long cut varieties because there was no need to distinguish between fine and long cut. Flavor wise they’re equal.

Greene's Reserve Long Cut WintergreenGreene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Wintergreen

Packs great. Nice “warm” wintergreen flavor. Sweeter than Kodiak but not as sweet as Hawken. Doesn’t give the “shiver” of Kodiak or Skoal but a damn good wintergreen chew. Some floaters but nothing unmanageable and probably just cause I’m used to sampling pouches. Great longevity of flavor… several innings from a single dip. This is a general trait of long cut vs pouches.

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Natural

I’m never quite sure what to expect when I see a flavor called “natural”. Are they going for “classic” are they going for “cope” or “straight”. I was never a classic dipper as I always went for the wintergreens, mints and cherries of the world. That said, this one reminds me of a mix between Skoal Classic and Skoal Straight. It’s got a nice warm flavor with a touch of sweetness that really hit the spot.

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Menthol

When I hear the word ‘menthol’ I immediately think cigarettes. My mom smoked Newport menthols for years so it’s pretty much engrained into my brain. Luckily this flavor of menthol smells and tastes nothing like those Newports. This is really just another in the mint / wintergreen flavor family. Think Skoal Spearmint but less minty and a tad sweeter. Menthol preconceptions aside, this was a mighty fine flavor that I actually may have enjoyed more than wintergreen.

Greene's Reserve Strawberry Kiwi Long CutGreene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Strawberry Kiwi

Nice flavors here. More strawberry than kiwi for my taste buds which isn’t a bad thing necessarily. I’m a fan of strawberry flavors. Would be interested to hear from others who have tried if they pick up the kiwi more than I did. I’m pretty sure this is the first fake dip I’ve ever tried that has either strawberry or kiwi flavorings. To have them together in one chew is a treat.

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Mango

Finished up my sampling with Mango. Good flavor here but if I’m being honest I think I was expecting a bit more. REALLY subtle flavor at the beginning of the chew but as I worked it a bit it came on stronger. I’m not sure this it one I’ll return to – not because it’s bad, but it’s just not my personal cup of tea and I’m not getting that ‘punch’ I’d want in a flavored chew. That said, for citrus / mango lovers out there this may be right up your alley. Drop me a comment with your thoughts.

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Ingredients

I’ve got two different ingredients lists on the 5 cans I’ve got in hand.

The following ingredients are listed on the WINTERGREEN and MENTHOL flavors: Water, Ground Hemp Flower, Glycerin, Ground Cocoa Fiber, Natural and Artificial Flavors

The following ingredients are listed on the MANGO, STRAWBERRY KIWI and NATURAL: Water, Ground Hemp Flower, Glycerin, Natural and Artificial Flavors

Each can offers a QR code which can be scanned for additional information about the product. SUPER cool technology.

Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff Review and Recommendation

These are some really nice products. The flavor profiles (for the most part) are what you’d expect and the product itself may be a big ‘softer’ in your mouth than some others you may try. This is especially good when you’re using a TON of it as I think it won’t wear out your mouth as quickly. Some of them can be really harsh, and Greene’s doesn’t seem to be. I’m looking at these purely from a smokeless alternative perspective so I won’t speak to the other qualities that hemp / CBD products tout. I did find this passage on their website rather interesting so I’ll copy/paste it word for word:

Will these products cause me to fail a drug test for THC?
We are currently conducting clinical trials to definitively answer this question with certainty, albeit a highly unlikely probability. Our most precise lab analysis shows that many of our products contain non-detectible amounts of THC from a liquid chromatographer with parts-per-billion sensitivity. Our highest lab test has shown 0.04% THC- equivalent to the amount of THC found in varieties of wild lettuce. Read more about cannabinoid education HERE.

The biggest surprise here for me was the Menthol flavor. I’ve got a pre-existing bias against that word so I didn’t expect to enjoy the chew and I REALLY did. If I’m ranking the five I tried I’d go (from best to worst): Menthol, Strawberry Kiwi, Wintergreen, Natural and Mango.

Special thanks to the folks at Greene’s Reserve for providing me samples to try and review!

You can purchase Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff from their website at or Amazon. Visit them on Facebook and Instagram as well. All flavors are available in long and fine cut. You can purchase single cans or a 5-pack. Tell em sent you!

Have you tried Greene’s Reserve Hemp Snuff? Let us know what you think in the comments below!

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1 year ago

Thanks Chewie

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